12: Renewed Faith

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--- Homra's POV

"This is the place, isn't it?"

The night was unusually quiet and the cold breeze made the leaves of the trees flow. Moonlight was shining brightly over the almost empty place.

Multiple men were standing in an open field, in front of them a huge building that would have usually seemed abandoned.

"Yeah...no doubt."

A cigarette hung in his mouth as the red haired male stared towards their destination. The silence of the night was truly unbecoming as the smoke rose into the air.

"Let's get the party started then."

With a smirk rising to the blonde's lips he put out his cigarette, burning it in the air. The men stepped forward, advancing towards the building. Pure bloodlust filled the air, as their fire started to rise from their bodies.

"No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!"

--- Hiyori's POV

My consciousness had been so close to fading away, and my hope had nearly been all lost. The pain was indescribable and even in my wildest dreams would I have not thought that they would stop.

Yet they did. They needed me alive after all and seeing how I wouldn't budge and keep my mouth shut they ceased their attacks on my body.

The torturer wasn't too pleased by not being allowed to finish his work, hence a direct apprentice of the leader had to first put a hand on his shoulder to signal him to stop.

The glee I felt in that situation from finally being freed from more pain only lasted shortly as they had unbound my chains from the wall and dragged me back towards the main room.

I couldn't remember much from the way back as my mind was almost completely out of it. The pain from being thrown towards a hard and cold ground had me snap out of my trance, making me inspect my surroundings.

My eyes quickly fell upon Anna who stood beside the leader with a pained and shocked expression. The tears in her eyes made my hurt ache, yet I was unable to say any comforting words to her.

My throat was hoarse from all the screaming and even opening it took an incredible amount of effort. I couldn't bear seeing her the way she was now, so I tried to force my legs to move.

I begged them to ignore the pain and draw out the bit of strength they had left to run to Anna and console her. However, my body wouldn't respond as I winced at the pain anew.

Giving up, I could merely succumb to the floor once more. I could faintly make out the voice of the leader, whispering sweet nothings to the little girl.

Disgust filled my expression and I tried my best to listen in.

"See? This happens when someone disobeys me. So be a good girl and talk unless you want your friend to be hurt more."

I couldn't believe the cruelness of his actions, yet I wasn't too surprised either. Staring into the little girl's eyes I tried to signal her that it'll all be fine. Yet once more she easily was able to see through my lie.

Becoming impatient one of the men roughly pulled me up only to harshly punch me into the stomach, making me drop onto the floor wincing in pain.

I could hear Anna stutter, desperately trying to form a sentence, yet the fear of betraying her family was too big. I didn't blame her at all for it, even wanting her to ignore the leader's threats. However, seeing me being hurt in front of her eyes made me wonder who of us was in more pain.

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