08: An Intriguing Proposal

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Sighing, I slowly ate my food. Kusanagi had made me rice with omelet as breakfast. However, as good as it tasted, I somehow was feeling a bit down.

Not to mention I'm currently so exhausted too...

The last few days have been such a mess. One thing happened after the other. I barely had much time to rest and regenerate.

It was far more calm in the bar, as many of the members of Homra were either completely occupied with whatever they were doing or had stepped outside for a bit.

Closing my eyes, I let them rest for a bit. I haven't gotten much sleep tonight thanks to a specific someone.

And that someone was currently resting on a couch, having probably no care in the world.

Sending him a pouty glare, I returned to eating.

"Ah Hiyori-chan?"

Looking up from my half-empty plate, I stared at the blonde man, who was once again cleaning one of his precious wine glasses.

After having gotten my attention, he smiled and continued talking.

"I forgot to mention this, but Tatara woke up."


My eyes widened, as I looked at him in surprise.

Tatara Totsuka, the man with whom this mess has started with, has finally come back from his deep slumber.

"Where is he?"

Noticing my surprise, the bartender softened his features, as if to calm me down.

"Ah, he's currently taking a long needed shower. He was asleep for quite a while after all."

"I see..."

I am not sure if I should be disappointed or glad about the newfound information. After all, it could turn to be in my favor and against me at the same time.

Narrowing my eyes, I went back to finishing my meal.

Kusanagi seemed to take this as a sign that the conversation had ended and went back to his activity.

All of a sudden, a loud ruckus started in the bar, thanks to some of the clansmen having come back from whatever they had been doing.

"Yo, Kusanagi-san! We're back!" The loudest of all, Yata, of course was the first one to yell, while the others filled the room with their conversations.

"Ah, welcome back! Did you get what I asked for?"

"Yeah. No problem at all."

Skating over to the counter, he gave the bartender some kind of bag. Only giving me once glance, he turned around again, not without getting scolded by the bartender though.

"Hey Yata! I told you not to skate in my bar!"

Nearly falling over his skateboard at the man's harsh voice, he stepped down onto the floor and put the skateboard under his arm.

"Those kids just never learn..."

A seemingly pissed off Kusanagi, turned around again, cleaning another one of his glasses for what I'm guessing the tenth time.

He must really love his bar...

"Ah when you have time now, how about going patrolling again?"

Kusanagi yelled into the bar. His mood really completely had turned around.

Some complaints about exhaustion and him being a slave master were thrown into the room. However, the vanguard showed excitement, as he immediately stepped forward.

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