11: Sacrifice

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A piercing pain went through my body, making me wake up. My head was pounding and my sight was blurry.

I tried rubbing my eyes, however a cold feeling stopped my attempt. After having closed my eyes and reopened them I could faintly make out what lay in front of me.

It was a dark and small room. Without a single light to illuminate the room it was quite hard to see. The floor was cold and hard and my body ached from my uncomfortable position.

Looking up, I could make out cuffs on my hands, which held them to the stone wall. I shivered at the lack of warmth.

Narrowing my eyes, I found nothing else in the small room beside a door and a window. Light barely made it through it as not even a mouse could fit through the small space.

My mind slowly realized what situation I had found myself in, making my eyes widen even more.

I sat up, staring at the floor.

"Where the hell is Anna...?"

The chains were locked tight around my wrists, eradicating every hope of escape for now.

"I guess I'll have to wait for now. Anna...please be safe."

Worry and guilt started to fill my mind as I thought back to how I had landed here. I wonder how long I had been unconscious for? Homra must surely be looking for us by now...

The only sound that fell upon my ears were my calm breaths and a few drops of water that fell from the ceiling into a puddle on the stone floor.

Moss had started growing in nooks of the room, making we wonder just how long this place must have been here.

My gaze shot up once I heard footsteps approaching the door. It slowly creaked open, making me breath in hard.

My expression turned serious as I waited for the appearance of the stranger. Two men stepped into the room, staring down at me.

I couldn't make out their features as even the new light from the corridor they had appeared from didn't help the darkness inside the room.

"Well look who's awake."

His voice held a tint of interest in it, as he nodded towards his companion. I thought about snapping back at them, but then again it might be better to just stay silent for now.

Both seemed to realize my refusal to speak up, which seemed to make them narrow their eyes at me. The guy in front came closer, giving a hand sign to his partner who followed.

They unlocked the chains from the wall, yet not the ones on my hand. Well I guess I can forget about that escape attempt already.

Pushing me forward I had no choice but to follow the man showing me the way, while the other one walked behind me, making sure I had no special plans in mind.

The sudden bright light blended me, yet It was still quite dark in the corridor. From the looks of the furniture and decoration It seemed to be some kind of older mansion. Probably their headquarters?

I was walking past many groups of guys. Many were either smoking, chatting amongst themselves or playing with their weapons which consisted of guns, bats and knives.

All of them looked up from their current doings, giving me interested glances or disapproving glares. Occasionally some even whispered between themselves, making it obvious they were talking about me.

Suddenly I felt someone harshly push me forward, making me stumble and almost fall. Glaring back to the culprit he merely moved his head in a manner as to tell me to continue walking.

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