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A/N: Hello, minna-san! This is my first KnB fanfic, so please comment and give lots of constructive criticism! Now, without further ado, let's begin! Enjoy!!!


I slowly stumbled toward the locker room, not looking forward to practice. I love basketball, but I can't seem to enjoy it lately. Probably because of the way everyone's acting. Looking down, my light blue hair covering my eyes, I thought back to what they had said.


     "Go away, you're such a pest, Kurokocchi! You're wasting my precious time!"

     "Weakling. I don't need you as my shadow anymore. The only one who can beat me is me."

     "Out of my way, loser. Oha Asa foretold me that Cancer should stay away from Aquarius, or else there will be a horrible consequence."

     "Nee, nee, go buy me some snacks. You aren't doing anything useful anyways, and it's not like you ever will. You're so puny, I could easily crush you."

     "Oi, Tetsuya, if you're not going to be of any use to Teiko, you should just get off the team like Haizaki. You are not part of this team."

     I downcast my eyes and lowered my head, not making eye contact with anyone, afraid that all of their distaste for me would be shown in those accusing eyes.

     "Hai. You're right, I'm sorry for bothering you. See you later," I whispered, turning away. Slowly trudging out of the gym, I kept my face hidden from their sight, trying to cover up my hushed whimpering and the anguish sketched all across my face. They didn't seem to notice...if they did, they just didn't care.

~End of Flashback~

I quickly swept away the tears forming in my eyes. After all, they were right. Being a bother wasn't enough, but I can't face reality either? I'm so pathetic. No wonder they don't want me, a pitiful failure. I'm nothing but a misfit. They don't need me...I'm just dragging them down. They're better off without me. Maybe I shouldn't go, I'm just being selfish, latching on to them and bothering them for all this time. Just like a parasite.

I don't know what to do though. If I skip practice, they'll be angry. I don't want to make them angry, I just want them to be happy. But they don't seem to be happy whenever I'm around them. Am I causing this? I don't know.

     I guess I'll just keep attending practice, and leave when they tell me to. I hope that will make them happy. All I need is for them to be happy. If they are, then I am. They're my only friends, the only ones who actually pay attention to me. I'd give up anything and everything for them to be satisfied. Even if that means giving up my own contentedness, as long as they're fine, then so am I. I have no need for anything else in life. After all, all I need is for them to be happy.


A/N: How was it? Tell me in the comments! Thanks, and until next time, bye!!

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