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A/N: Here's the next chappie, enjoy!


Kuroko's POV:

     Slowly opening my eyes, I blearily rubbed them and looked over to the window where the sun's rays had begun peeking through the blinds. I had cried through the whole night and only fell into a fitful sleep about two hours ago. It was only a Wednesday, meaning I had to drag myself to school again, for a few more days.

     Sitting up, I stretched while yawning and languidly lifted my legs over to the side of my bed. I put on my doggy slippers (Nigou!!!) and stumbled sleepily to the bathroom. Going through my morning routine, I made my way out of the door and headed down the route to school.

    Once there, I realized I was early and practically nobody was there, so I decided to rest for a while, leaning against a large sakura tree.

      A gentle breeze drifted by, carrying the scent of freshly mowed grass. The wind gently ruffled my aquamarine hair, and the leaves rustled overhead. My eyes began lowering of their own accord, and before I knew it, I was drifting to sleep. Half an hour later, I gradually woke to the sound of chattering nearing me. Looking up, I saw a rainbow tribe of people through my bangs, and they were headed toward me. Not good.

Akashi-san was the first to spot me. He glared at me with such coldness in his apathetic eyes that a shiver traveled down my spine. Nudging the others, he pointed over to me and said something that I couldn't make out. They continued to walk over, while I was frozen to the spot, not able to move out of fear.

"Tetsuya. What are you doing here?"

I got to my feet and answered him. "I-I got here early, so I wanted to rest for a while until school starts."

     "Come with us," Akashi-san commanded and turned around, heading toward the gym.

     The others followed suit, as did I, and we walked in silence. I fidgeted with my bag's strap. Once we entered the gym, we came to a halt. The others turned to face me, and I stepped back under their scrutiny.

     "We have all come to a consensus," Midorima-san began. "You have been of little use to our team lately, and do not have a drive to win. Your priorities are out of order."

     "I still haven't punished you for coming late to practice. This will be your punishment." Akashi-san stepped forward. He raised my head to meet his eyes with his index finger. His detest toward me was obvious. "You are hereby cut from the basketball team. You do not have permission to come to practice ever again. You may not play in games. And one last thing," he continued, his gaze still connected to my eyes. "You are never to speak with us...no you are not to look at us ever again. If you do, you will regret your actions."

     My eyes widened in shock and scanned all of them for their reactions. Kise-san was smirking, Murasakibara-san just kept in eating with indifference, Midorima-san looked down at me in distaste, and Aomine-san...he...he was yawning. Akashi-san glanced pointedly at him, and he 'oh'ed, as if remembering something.

     "Oh right, you're not my shadow anymore, I don't need the help of a stupid weakling who can't even play on his own. You're just gonna drag me down. All there is to this is winning, and if you're not gonna focus on that, then I don't want you. Useless trash." With those heart wrenching words, he spun around and casually walked out. Everyone else followed, except for Akashi-san.

     "Remember what I said...I am absolute, and you would do well to learn that. These are the consequences of your previous actions, so be sure not to disobey my orders ever again." He then, quite literally, walked out of my life, as if ridding himself of a pesky flea.

     Collapsing to the floor, I stared at my shaking hands. My eyes were wide open and my pupils dilated. I began to hyperventilate, the gym blurring before my eyes.

     As if in a dream, I slowly stood and stumbled out and leaned against the wall.

     Why is this such a shock? It was only to be expected. I'll just accept it and...move on. Maybe someday...someday I'll let go of them and be happy for myself. But that day is a long way off. Just keep going, Tetsuya, keep going. It's what you've always done.


A/N: Well there you go, folks! Hope you liked it!

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