A New Light

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A/N: Okay, I've wasted enough time procrastinating, so here's the next chappie! Again, I'm changing the actual episode a little.


Kuroko's POV:

     Before the words left my mouth, he seemed to somehow notice my presence and missed the basket.

     "When did you get here?" He demanded. I replied with my usual polite response, only resulting in him demanding to know what I was doing there. I reflected the question back to him, probably irritating him. This banter continued, until he started to speak seriously.

"I've lived in America until my second year in middle school. Ever since I came back, I've been appalled by the low standards here. I'm not looking to play for fun, no, I'm looking for a more serious game that gets me going. I've heard all about you, and your Kiseki no Sedai. I normally have a sense of how good others are; those who succeed smell different than those who can't. But you...you don't smell of anything. The weak should smell weak, but you don't. Your strength has no scent. So show me. Show me just how good your Kiseki no Sedai really is." His intense stare is completely focused on me.

     I masked my shock with my usual impassive face and nodded. Maybe he could be the start of something new. He could be the one to help me move on. Maybe...just maybe...he can glue together the broken pieces that make up my soul.

     "How fortunate. I've also been hoping to play against you." Unzipping my jacket, I take it off and throw it to the side. "One on one," I said, gazing up to meet his eyes.

     He smirks. "You wanna go?"

______The end of their game______

He sighed at me and turned to the court's exit, walking away. Over his shoulder, he said, "Forget about it. I'm not interested in the weak." He paused and turned around. "One last thing. You should quit basketball. It's hopeless, you have no talent for it." He resumed his exit, leaving me alone in the court with a forlorn expression on my face.

I stretched out my arm, as if wanting him to come back, then shook my head, putting it back down.

It's okay, Tetsuya. Calm down. I can do this. Soon enough, he'll come to know of my true skill set, and then he can decide whether or not I am weak. Until then, stay strong. Stay strong.

______Seirin basketball team practice #2______

3rd person POV:

     Every person on the team turned to stare at Kuroko, shocked at what had just transpired.

"H-how did you do that, Kuroko?"

"Misdirection. I diminished my presence and drew the opponent's focus away from myself."

Riko spoke up in awe. "I've heard rumors, but never actually thought they were true...you're the phantom sixth member of the Kiseki no Sedai!

     Kuroko nodded, confirming it. He turned to Kagami, scanning his face for his thoughts, and found reluctant approval written on it. A small smile, hidden to those who weren't paying close attention, appeared on his own.

______yet another time skip______

<At Maji Burger>
Kuroko POV:

      Sitting in my usual seat, sipping my usual vanilla smoothie, I watched as Kagami-kun walked over with a tray stacked full of burgers and waited for him to notice me. It took him a few seconds, but he eventually turned around. Jolting in shock at my "sudden" appearance, he clenched his neck and choked on his food.

     "Where did you come from?" He asked me incredulously once he swallowed and could breathe again. "And what are you doing?"

"I was sitting here first...and I like this place's vanilla shakes."

     "Well go somewhere else." I didn't falter at his cold glare, knowing this was nothing compared to the daggers a true hate-filled glower carried.

     I replied monotonously,"I don't want to."

"If someone sees us, they'll think we're friends!" I blinked owlishly at him.

"This is my usual hangout." After a brief staring contest, he finally seemed to relent, and sighed.

     "Here," he said, tossing me one of the burgers from his pile and turning to look out the window. "I don't like guys that suck at basketball." Here a smile crept onto his face. "But you've earned yourself one of those."

     I looked up. "Thank you." The side of my mouth twitched into...it couldn't be...a smile?

______After Kagami gobbles down his monstrous pile of food______

     We walked down the street together after leaving Maji Burger. I continued sipping on my shake.

He spoke up. "Just how strong is the Kiseki no Sedai? If I played them now, how would I do?" I glanced away, pausing before I replied.

     "You'd be destroyed instantly."

     "Do you have to put it that way?" He was obviously ticked off by my bluntness.

I continued to explain. "The Kiseki no Sedai are a force to be reckoned with. Losing is not in their dictionaries, and it is not tolerated. With them as regulars, Teiko was invincible. Now, each of the five prodigies have split into separate schools, of which one will stand at the top."

     He chuckled, almost nearing the brink of insanity. "Great. That's the kind of thing that lights a fire in me. I'll crush all of them and become Japan's best player." Clenching a fist, he stared up at the vast night sky.

"I don't think that's possible. From what I've seen, you wouldn't even reach their feet. I would know, I..." I trailed off and took a moment to compose myself. This was my chance to move on, to turn over a new leaf. I can't afford to blow this. "You can't do it alone. I've decided. I'm a shadow. I stand in the dark and accentuate the light. I will become the shadow to your light and make you the best in the country." 'As long as you don't abandon me,' I added silently.

He smiled back down at me.

A/N: Sorry it's very similar to the actual episode, I added in some of my own input, but I wanted the Kuroko we all know and love to come back a little. This is the stage of recovery, where he starts to leave behind the memory of the GoM with a new goal in life. He's still introverted, not ready to come out of his shell yet, but he's getting there. What do you think?


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