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A/N: Hey everybody! Sorry for not updating-got sick :(
This is just a light, feel-good chappie, very short. Don't want to jump right into the plot yet =3= So...onwards!!!


Kuroko's POV:

I gazed out of the window, glancing down at the source of my classmates' commotion. They were all huddled together and chatting, pressed against the clear glass, staring at the words-the words that solidify the bond between shadow and light; the words that signify the turning point in my life; the words that allow me to move on and leave my previous miserable existence behind; the words of my determination.

They broadcasted to the world that I, Kuroko Tetsuya, am well on my way. I have a dream, and I will give my all to rise to the top and soar.

     I may not be at the end of my journey yet, I may be far from it, but at least I am at the starting line. At least I have somewhere to begin, to be able to reach for that destination, that goal. After all these years, I am finally headed towards a brighter future. It may still be an unknown future, but it holds promise within it. And I now know, I can fulfill that promise with everyone on the team supporting me. With him. Kagami-kun.

Turning from the spectacle carved in the ground, I focused my sight on the subject of my thoughts. Facing the window, his eyes were unfocused as he seemed deep in thought, not paying any particular attention to his surroundings. Yet there was a small smile on his face-one of pure joy. He turned to me and our eyes met for a split second.

     In that moment, something passed between us. I still cannot fully grasp the meaning of it, but I do realize it is something unique, created and felt only through our bond. I do recognize the emotions and thoughts it evoked from me. Hope. Anticipation. Security. Contentedness. Inspiration. Determination. Confidence. Warmth.

     Could this...Could this be? Is this the warmth of a family? Is this what having a brother would feel like? I'm not sure. But if this is...I never want it to end. I never want to be alone again. I want to finally be able to call someone my family. I want to-I want to know I belong, that I am wanted and loved!

     As our eyes passed by each other, the corners of my lips turned up ever so slightly, yet it was the most genuine smile I've shown in years. For he had shown me-in that exchange he had shown me that he wouldn't leave me, that he would stay by my side until the end. He wouldn't betray me. And I felt safe. Warm and safe and loved. A brother's love is never to be taken for granted. Yes, he had shown me. He had shown me that, although we were not related by blood, we will be brothers forever.

A/N: Well did ya like it? Hm? Did ya? Did ya? I think I should write another one with just bonding with the team. What do you all think?

I feel happy after writing that *sigh* :)

If you want, I can move the tags to the back, so they aren't annoying.

Comment please, comments make me update faster ;3

And feel free to give me advice (ik my writing's unorganized, I don't plan much, I just type and make it up as I go)

Well, school's coming up T-T so wish me luck! Busy busy busy! Cya! <3


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