Yet Again

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A/N: Hey everybody! It's been a good 2 years since updating, as I haven't really been active on Wattpad for a while. I wanted to at least close up this story for you guys. I'll update the last few chapters in the upcoming weeks/months, depending on when I have time. Thank you for understanding!

Kuroko's POV:

Swiftly passing the ball to Kagami-kun, I bought our team some time with my misdirection. He dribbled it down the court, dodging Hyuuga-senpai as he went, and dunked the ball into the hoop, and hard. The shrill voice of the whistle rang out, and Coach ended the game, giving us the point and the victory. I exhaled and walked up to the center of the court. We all high-fived, and went over to the locker rooms to change.

"Um, guys, do you feel like Coach was a little off today?" Hyuuga-senpai asked, bringing up her strange behavior that had been nagging at me for much of practice.

"Well, when is she not?" Koganei-senpai deadpanned.

"Yeah, but more than usual. I mean, she was awfully sadistic in our regimen and had this," he shuddered," unnerving grin the whole time."

Mitobe-senpai nodded in agreement. I gnawed on my bottom lip and wrinkled my brow ever so slightly in thought.

"Maybe she has something planned," Kagami-kun chimed in, shrugging. "We'll have to find out from her later. You can ask at practice tomorrow."

"I will then, I'm leaving now, see you guys tomorrow!" After exchanging farewells, Hyuuga-senpai walked out...only to jump back in not even five seconds later.

     "What?" Kagami-kun asked in annoyance.

     "I-she-wha-wait-whatdidIjustsee?" He was dumbfounded, and clearly not thinking properly. I walked up to him and grasped his shoulders, gently shaking him once, twice, three times until he snapped out of his daze.

     "Hyuuga-senpai, please calm down. What happened out there?"

     Taking a deep breath, he lifted his head and turned to us.

     "She...Coach...she was skipping!" He uttered the word 'skipping' as if it were a curse word, going as far as to swoon. The reactions he elicited from the others were not far away from his.

"Nani? Skipping? You're kidding right? You're kidding. You've got to be kidding!"

He shook his head solemnly. "I'm afraid not. We just have to accept our fates."

"Remember to pray to the spirits tonight, in hope that they will show us mercy." I didn't know if Izuki-senpai was serious or not, but judging from the faces of the other second years, he was.

"Hai?" I was muddled. Kagami-kun was just as baffled as I, his eyes leaping from one face to another in bewilderment.

"What's the big deal? She's skipping. She could just be in a good mood or something, that's what girls do, right? Maybe she got asked out by someone she likes. That makes sense!" He seemed certain of his conclusion, nodding confidently.

"I'm afraid not," Hyuuga-senpai said in a grave tone. "Whenever Coach skips, she has something sinister planned for us."

     Shivers crawled down my spine at his ominous words. This woman had the sweetest face and tiniest frame but we were all absolutely terrified of what lay below that deceptive smile. We had seen hints of it before, when she joyfully tortured us in practice for not performing well enough, but we all knew she was capable of much more...much worse.

We all dressed slowly in silence, dreading what was to come the second we stepped out of the sanctuary of the locker room. It was the only thing keeping us safe at the moment and we were reluctant to give up that protection. By the time we gathered our courage and tiptoed our, hoping in vain that Coach had grown impatient and left us until the next day, half an hour had already passed. And yet, there she was, looking as chipper as ever.

"Aish, what took you so long? Today's practice wasn't that bad was it? I'll have to up the intensity tomorrow if you guys can't even handle that. won't believe the news I just received!"

"Yeah?" Kagami-kun asked impatiently. He was clearly irritated by the overreactions of the team.

"We have an upcoming match with Kaijou! We'll be doubling the training we've done thus far, and I've created personalized meal plans for all of you so that we'll be in top shape by the time we compete. This will be a great test to our skills."

I blinked.

"Excuse me Coach, I must have heard that said we're playing Kaijou? The school that Kise Ryouta attends?" Hyuuga-senpai asked in disbelief.

"Mhm, that very one! You know him, right, Kuroko-kun? You both went to Teiko." She turned to me with an unwitting smile.

I gulped. Their eyes seemed to bore holes in me. My head started pulsing, the fluorescent lighting overhead irritating my eyes. My workout duffel pulled heavily on my arm. The jacket draped over my shoulders began feeling stuffy and a bead of sweat made its way down my temple. I didn't know where to look, eyes darting to anywhere but theirs. Bad memories. Too many bad memories of that place, that name, that face, those words. I couldn't bear it anymore.

I bolted, the startled calls behind me lost in the wind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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