A New Beginning

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A/N: Gods thank you so much all of my lovely readers...I can't believe that I have so many views! Now...this is probably really annoying but please check out my Percy Jackson fic, all my PJO/HoO fans!!! Kay...now I'll stop bothering you XD
This is after Kuroko-kun graduates middle school at __pick a name__ middle


Kuroko's POV:

     I stare up at the huge building in front of me and gulped. Time to move onto the next chapter of my life.

     High school.

     I followed the stream of students walking to the entrance and stepped onto school grounds. There seemed to be some kind of activity fair going on, with different clubs recruiting new students.

     Walking past all of the booths, I looked for one club and one club only. After a few minutes, I finally found it. The Seirin Basketball Team. Nobody noticed me, but that wasn't anything new. I'll try to befriend my new team. Maybe I could learn to love basketball again.

After quickly filling out a form, I headed toward my first class of the day.

______Time magically skips away______

The day had inched by excruciatingly slowly. I was a nervous wreck by the end of it.

What if they don't like me? Or if they ignore me? I can't handle another incident like...that. If that happens, I don't think I could bear to live anymore.

     "Kuroko-kun?" I jolted at the sound of my name, turning to see the speaker.

     "Hai, sensei?"

     "You do realize the bell rang two minutes ago. Everybody else has left already, while you were just sitting there staring off into space."

     Looking around, I saw that what he said was true. The room was completely empty of others, just me and my teacher.

     "Oh! Sumimasen, I'll leave immediately. I guess I just spaced out."

"Okay then, sayonara," he said, turning around.

"Sayonara sensei," I replied, gathering my stuff. I shoved all of my supplies into my book bag and hurried out the door. The hallways were deserted, save a few stragglers now and then. I raced to the gym, thankfully remembering where it was, and leapt in. Of course, no one realized I was there, let alone late, so I was fine.

I looked around, trying to see what I had missed. A girl with chestnut colored hair and eyes was introducing herself. Apparently, her name was Aida Riko and she was the coach of the team. Her eyes seemed to pierce into each of them, probably making them uncomfortable, but skipped over me. Of course.




"NANI?!?!?" All the boys shouted in confusion. "Why?" A kid asked defiantly.

A second year just rolled his eyes and raised his voice.

"Just listen to your coach, baka. She tells you to do something, get to it!" The first years jumped and hurried to obey, throwing off their shirts.

Going down the row, she analyzed everyone's muscles (A/N: sounds pervy I know, but it's true) making a comment here and there. Reaching the end, she looked around for me, not able to see me.

"Kuroko? Is Kuroko Tetsuya here?" She paused for a moment. "Oh well, let's move on-"

"Ano...I'm here"

"Ah! How long have you been there?"

"The whole time." Well, pretty much.

     She just stared at me in shock for a moment, then seemed to recover. "O-Okay then, take off your shirt."

     After I did so, she evaluated me for a second, then gasped in shock. Probably because of my low physical ability. Wrinkling her brow, she slowly nodded and turned, blowing her whistle.

     "Let's start!"

______time flies______

     I was out taking the a walk when I heard the sound of shoes shuffling and a ball bouncing nearby. Following the sound, I came to a stop at a basketball court. Peeking inside, I saw a red head practicing fiercely. Walking up to him, I spoke up.


A/N: hope you liked it! Sorry if the scene isn't exact, but I don't want to copy it word for word...besides, I'm going to have the plot of the show fluctuate, for the purpose of the story. I'm wondering about the title for the next chapter...you know what's gonna happen, it's just the rest of episode 1...give me your opinion!


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