Tagged A/N

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Soooo I got tagged by NicoDiAngelo110103 yay!!! (Sarcasm) This is the first time I've been tagged, so yeah. Sorry this isn't an update:(
Ok let's start...

1) Percabeth or Jiper?
Percabeth. Duh.

2) Would you rather read PJO (and HoO) or Harry Potter for your entire life?
PJO is mah life!!! ...other than anime, of course ;)

3) Would you rather meet Percy Jackson or Harry Potter?

Percyyyyy foreverrrrrrr

4) Favorite band?
Don't have one

5) Favorite song?
Other than Japanese ones, probably King by Lauren Aquilina.

6) What do you think of Rick Riordan?
A dam god

7) DC or Marvel?

8) The three unforgivable ships in your fandom are?
I have too many fandoms, so I'll just choose different ones-Pertemis (Percy x Artemis) for PJO, NaLi (Natsu x Lisanna) for Fairy Tail, and I'll have to choose LoLu (Loki x Lucy) from Fairy Tail.

9) Team cap or team iron man?

10) Team superman or batman?
Batman? Idk much about DC

11) Do you think of yourself as a geek or a dork?

12) What do you think when I say...Korea?
North and South

13) Say bye to the audience!
Buh-bye!!! ;)

I'm gonna tag:
Sorry guys! ;P
So I know this story has more anime lovers aka otakus, so I'll change the questions :)

1) First anime you've ever watched/ first manga you've ever read

2) Your OTP

3) Team Kaname or Zero? (VK)

4) Favorite scene in AoT/SnK

5) One character you are in love with

6) Most tragic anime that you've cried for too many times to count

7) Who do you ship Kuroko with?

8) Do you like animes that run for long periods of time and never seem to end or short ones that leave you wanting more?

9) stupidest anime you've ever watched

10) Free! or KnB?

11) Death Note or Tokyo Ghoul?

12) top fandom?

13) one anime power you want

Ok, thanks for reading this (those that didn't skip it) and I'll update...when you vote for a title!!! So do that or IDK what to name the next chappie! Well then...bye :)


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