A Growing Rift

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A/N: Hello again! As you have noticed, the chapters are generally going to be shorter than my PJO fanfic-just saying. I've also to have Kuroko use the suffix 'san', not 'kun', to show the respect he has for them and how much he looks up to them.


Kuroko's POV

    I had made my decision.

Their cruel words still ringing in my head, I walked into the locker room in apprehension.

     "Good afternoon, everyone." I greeted them softly, my eyes trained on my shoes and my fingers toying nervously with the straps of my school bag.

     They stopped chatting, and turned cold, unwelcoming eyes to me. I bit my lips and squeezed my eyes shut under the scrutiny.

"Oi, Tetsuya, you're late," berated Akashi-San irritatedly.

"S-sumimasen. Hontō ni sumimasen. It won't happen again," I apologized. I tensed in fear of the consequences I would receive.

He glared at me. "I'll deal with you later. Hurry and change. We're not waiting for you."

"See you later, wimp." Aomine-San sneered down at me with a glint in his eyes. The others smirked at the comment, even Midorima-San. They walked past me, not looking at me at all, and left.

All alone, I quickly changed into my uniform, and stuffed my school uniform away. I didn't want to burden them anymore than I already had. It's a miracle that I'd gotten this far. I should be thankful.

     Hurrying over to the gym, I heard the others starting to warm up. I burst through the doors as quickly as I could and rushed in, face flushed and out of breath.

     "Come on, you dawdler," Midorima-San called over. "We don't have all day."

     I scurried over and joined them. My face was still flushed after a few minutes, but I brushed it off as the result of the warm-up. Besides, why bother the others with something so insignificant?

     We continued to practice, the captain pushing the team hard. However, he seemed to ignore me for much of it, leaving me out. I mean, who could blame him? The others were clearly better than me. They've made that painfully obvious over the course of the past few weeks.

     I was standing to the side, watching them play, when I was suddenly jolted out of my thoughts.

     "Tetsuya, why are you slacking off? Get your lazy self over here and start working like the rest of us!"

My eyes wide, I began heading to the center, when I began feeling nauseated. Swaying from side to side, I slowly lifted my hand to my forehead and closed my eyes. I collapsed to my knees and clutched my chest. The last thing I saw was a pair of shoes walking away from me.


A/N: Poor Kuroko! What will happen to him now?

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