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"Jaynie Colter!" Mamma saw me coming, her face pale. She was shocked and angry. "What on earth-?"

"I can explain, Mamma."

"And you will! But not dressed in your nightclothes in front of everyone, goodness Janyie-!" She was shaking her head exasperated.

"If you would just listen-!"

"Would you get inside! You are not dressed properly!" Frank was angry too, his eyes boring into mine. "We'll discuss this in the house."

"But father-!"

"Get inside!" His bellow was harsh, gray eyes snapping fire at me.

Crossing my arms, I stalked to the door and jerked it open. Once inside, Mamma opened up a tirade of rebukes and I did not attempt to interrupt her. Nothing I said would be heeded in the moment. She had been worried, and now was simply venting her tightly held emotions. I had not had a chance to speak up when Frank came in. He looked calmer, and I wondered what the two men outside had told him. Had Al Baily tarnished the truth, or had Toby Whitney spoken up for me?

"Well?" He asked, looking pointedly at me. Mamma sighed.

"She hasn't said a word!"

"Mamma!" Turning on her, I couldn't help a disbelieving laugh. "You haven't given me a chance! All you've done is talk!"

"Enough!" Normally the voice of patience, Frank's voice rang out. He shot a hard look at me. "You best start from the beginning."

"I was angry," crossing my arms, I held my ground. "You tell me the worst boys I have ever met will now be living here- what did you expect of me, Frank? I went to the river..."

"And?" His prompt was knowing, and inwardly I cursed Al Baily and Toby Whitney. Frank knew about Wind Runner.

"He came-"

"He?" Mamma interrupted, a horrified look on her face. "He who, Jaynie?"

"Wind Runner."

"Jaynie!" Her disapproving cry was stunned, both parents glaring at me, but for different reasons. Mamma had not known about Wind Runner since my papa's death, but Frank had pointedly told me not to visit with the handsome brave. My mother turned to look at Frank, too surprised to even speak, simply lifting her hands in a sign of defeat.

"I...I don't know what to do with her Frank."

"Wind Runner," my father held my gaze, his gray eyes serious. "So I reckon you ignored what I told you about him. What happened this morning, the truth."

"He came to me." I said it as calmly as I could manage, fighting down the sullen resentment flooding my heart. "I was angry, and when he came I spoke my heart to him. We talked, and then those two-" I had to stop, for I had no words to describe the disdain filling me. "They shot at us! Unprovoked, they tried to kill him! Al Baily would have murdered Wind Runner, would have shot him in the back had I not stopped him! He cannot stay here, Frank! I hate him!"

My mother went white as I spoke, her green eyes wide in horror.

"Shot at you? They shot at my daughter? Frank-!"

"Now hold on, don't get your skirt twisted!" He hushed her with a sharp gesture. "Let's finish what's at hand first. Butterfly...I'm worse than disappointed. You been lyin' to me, for years. I told you what would happen if you kept seeing this boy!"

"This morning wasn't his fault, Frank!" I snapped back. "Al Baily started it!"

"Wind Runner, where's he now?"

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