Chapter 3

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A while later, Anakin had walked off to his room to change into more 'Jedi-like' attire. When he pulled off his shirt, he let out a huge gasp. His wrist had a small tattoo on it; a star inside of a sun, but he had no idea where it had come from. He just stared at it, unable to move in his shock.

Ahsoka, meanwhile, hadn't ever changed out of her regular clothes, and she was bored. Extremely bored. Without the assistance of classes to keep her mind busy, it was exceptionally empty, and she was receiving force waves from everyone twice as powerful as they would have been. She let out a tiny gasp as she felt Anakin's surprise, and she wondered if he had found his clothes missing. Many of the younglings had done that to her, so she wouldn't be surprised. Well, she was willing to find them for him if he needed her to, so she walked over to the door to his room and knocked on it.

"Ahsoka, why are you at my door?" Anakin shouted through it, having sensed her from the inside.

"Did you loose your clothes?" She innocently chirped. He froze in confusion.


"I can find them for you." He shook his head, trying to figure the girl out. Anakin opened the door slightly, only to see the little girl had her hands over her eyes.

"Why would I need you to find my clothes?"

"Because someone hid them. Please tell me you have pants on." He stopped yet again, peeling the girl's hands from her face.

"Uh, my clothes aren't missing, I just... found something. Roll up your sleeves." She stopped this time, squinting confusedly at him. Ahsoka did as he asked, though, and she stopped, staring with wide blue eyes at her wrist. There, in black, was the exact symbol that was on his wrist.

Obi-wan walked by at that moment. He stopped and stared at the two, confused.

"What are you doing?" Anakin's eyes snapped up, and he flushed in embarrassment.

"I-uh... We... I was just- uh..." He stuttered. Luckily, Ahsoka was still too engrossed in the tattoo on her wrist to pay any attention to his embarrassment.

"Look!" She said, and pointed to hers and Anakin's wrists. Kenobi gently gripped her forearm, studying her wrist. His face contorted to a smile as he saw a matching one on his student's wrist as well.

"It's fine, there's nothing wrong. It is just a sign of your bond forming. I suspect it's what caused you two to pass out in the first place," he explained, causing Ahsoka to drop it and Anakin to stare confusedly up at him.

"How do you know?" Obi-wan stopped suddenly. That was something he wasn't planning on telling his apprentice, but it appeared it would happen eventually.

"I have a bond to Luminara, but it is no where near as close as the one you two have. Plus, we were bonded when we were knights, not younglings and padawans." Anakin nodded, before frowning and looking from his bond mate to his master again.

"Doesn't 'Soka have lessons?" Kenobi nodded, and Ahsoka's eyes widened as she looked to the floor.

"Yes. Now, we should probably get her there, shouldn't we?" No response was heard, and he gently grabbed the little girl's hand, opening the door and walking out with the children in tow. Soon, they made their way to the youngling classrooms. Anakin wrapped the girl quickly in a hug before the master and padawan duo left the room, leaving Ahsoka to her studies- if that was what they were.

She dejectedly walked further into the room, shakily sitting down on a little cushion for meditation. The other younglings that were in her clan had already started, and were belatedly shaken out of their states when she sat down with a light thump.

"Oh look, it's the little horn-head!" One of the older ones jeered, poking her sensitive montrals roughly. She tried to ignore it, thinking back to Plo-koon, the kind, fatherly Jedi master who had brought her here.

"What has the pet been up to? Polishing her training saber for future use?" The others cackled, and her eyebrows creased slightly. Since the day of arriving, she'd been top in her class, and it was then that all of the impolite, mean kids decided to hate her.

"Please hush up, Miss Tano!" The teaching Jedi scolded, causing Ahsoka to wince and the others to snicker quietly.

"Oh yes, Miss Smarty-pants will be very quiet soon enough," the eldest youngling sneered, and the orange youngling shifted uncomfortably. It seemed as if class was only five seconds long, and all too soon she was left in an empty classroom with the older younglings. She felt a hand on her arm, gripping it roughly so she felt as if it would be ripped off or squeezed until it broke. She was shoved along, and her baby blue eyes dulled to emotionless.

"Aw, what? No mommy to call? No savior? Well, I'm sure you could just call the Chosen One, he seems to fancy you, though I'm not sure how a dope like you could be liked by him." One of the girls laughed sickly, and she threw a slap at the girl's montrals. All Ahsoka wanted to do was curl up and sob, but she had to stay tough, show them that they couldn't break her. She may be young, but she knew those who cried were considered weak, and if a youngling was weak, they were picked on. As the torture went on, she broke down, her mind made up that every Jedi padawan and youngling was mean, and only wanted her to suffer. Then one stepped forward to give his hand a try at slapping people, and her heart dropped through the floor. He looked like Anakin, the one padawan who she thought wouldn't hurt her.

Soon enough, the younglings left her on the ground, bruised and battered. Tears welled in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. Exhausted, she pulled herself up from the floor, every movement more painful than the last. She went to her dorm as quickly as she could and collapsed on her bed, her pillow becoming tear soaked. As long as she lived, she never wanted to see another padawan or youngling- ever.


Wa wa wa... Chopper may have gotten in here... XD I wonder how Anakin is going to get her to trust him again... If he ever comes back to save her from torment. Actually, I haven't thought through the next few chapters, but that might be because I've been posting almost every day. My writing muse has been on an all-time high recently, though. :D No writers block here!

Well, comment please? Tell me what you think? Vote, maybe? If nothing else, thanks for reading! :)


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