Chapter Six

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(A/N Here is the long awaited update!!!! Sorry if it's like short and stuff when I type it on my google drive it's longer than when it's on Wattpad! But enjoy and comment, like and all that shizz!! Xx)

Emily’s POV

“Clean her up.” I hear Zayn speak to someone but I don’t turn to look at the face.

My tears have stopped running. My body won’t produce them anymore. My body that was just aching is now numb. I can’t feel anything. I don’t even feel the hands that picked up my naked and destroyed frame and brought it to the bathroom. I turn my face so it’s in his chest. I can hear water running and sigh when my body makes contact with it. I press my face against the wall of the tub and leave it there easing the pain of the gash that’s on the side of my face from Zayn’s gun. I feel someone lean toward me and I flinch back into the wall. Only drawing a sigh from whoever brought me in here.

“I’ll be right back. I need to get you clothes.” It’s Niall.

I nod, not being able to speak. I think I strained my voice from all the screaming and with the metal of the gun scratching my throat. I look over and see that the bathroom is empty. If I wanted to I could just end it now. I sigh and dip my head into the water. I hold my breath for a little while. Contemplating on if I should do it or not. It doesn’t matter if I do or not. They’re going to kill me regardless. I might a well end it my way. That makes sense right?

Yes it’s unethical but nothing can be in this situation. I let the water fill my lungs not caring about the stinging sensation that’s running through my mouth or the contraction of my limbs. My body wants to force its way back up but I won’t let it. I stay under water and think about my life and all I accomplished. I didn’t even get to graduate Uni. Pick a career. Start a family of my own.

I can feel any ounce of breathing I had run short and my vision is blurring with black dots. I’m almost unconscious when a pair of hands pull me back up to the surface. I start coughing the air hitting my lungs and the hands pat my back hard forcing the water out of my system.

“What the hell!” Niall yells still hitting my back.

I keep coughing trying to catch my breath. Once all of the water is out he sits me back up against the tile and stares at me with hard eyes. I avoid his gaze until he gently forces my face to meet his. He takes a towel and wipes the gash on my face. I wince and he retracts his hand for a second only to do it again gentler. He pulls out a band aid and places it over the cut.

Niall gives me a forced smile and I roll my head to face the wall. Why didn’t he just let me die? I just don’t get it. Why are they toying with us if they’re going to kill us anyway? I feel something dip in the water and rub up against my arm. I turn my head and see Niall’s hand.

“If you feel like you can do it yourself then please do.” He holds the towel up and I look at him with hard eyes.

I don’t respond to him and he keeps cleaning me. He get’s to my legs and I flinch back in response. He nods and moves to other parts making sure to not rub too hard. He drains the tub and stands me up. He dried me up and cleaned the bite marks Zayn made all over my body. He

pulls out some joggers and a T-shirt and puts it on me. I look in the mirror and don’t even recognize myself. I turn to Niall and he looks me up and down with worry, but more so out of nervousness.

“What day is it?” My voice is barely audible but I know he can hear me.

“It’s the third of January.” I nod and look back in the mirror running my hands over my face. “Why?”

“It’s my birthday.” I hear him sigh and close my eyes as he places a blindfold over them and takes my hand leading me back to the basement.

There’s a still silence in the room and I feel myself being tied up but not tightly. He only cuffed my hands leaving my ankles unbound. He gives me another weary smile before walking back up the stairs. I lean my head against the pole and stare at the ceiling avoiding the scared looks on Clover and Harley’s faces.

“Emily what happened?” Harley speaks first but I don’t respond.

I keep looking at the ceiling trying to figure out how much longer we have here. It’s been almost a month already. It’s felt like years. I wonder how my family is dealing with me missing. Is there a search party out looking for us? Will we get out? If there was any hope in me left I would have answered yes, but I have nothing now. Every part of me that had faith, left when I entered that room.  

“Em please look at one of us and tell us what happened?” Clover speaks and I look at her.

She almost flinches at my appearance. I guess she didn’t see the cuts on my lips or the teeth marks that left bruises all along my neck and collarbone. But it’s when I move my hair back showing them the long band aid that is covering the gash Zayn put there that both Clover and Harley go silent.

I stick my feet up and they can see the rope burns that will be there for about another week at the max. I slide one pants leg up with my free foot and they see the handprints and bruises on my legs. I didn’t have to say a word after that. They both knew what happened.

“Emily! I’m so sorry!” Harley yells and I look back up at the ceiling.

“Emily don’t shut us out. We are all here together.” Clover speaks and my eyes meet hers again but she doesn’t flinch at my stare like she did last time.

“We are not here together. I was up there...” I nod my head up the stairs and they follow my gaze and return theirs back to my face as I continue speaking. “Alone. You two weren’t there when I was tied to the bed, or had a gun shoved down my throat and beat. And you two sure as hell weren’t there when he was rapping me. So shut up and let me die.” My voice was hoarse and cracking with every word but they heard me clearly.

“We are not going to let you die. Do you understand us! We are all going to make it out of here! Alive. Okay Emily!” Harley yells and I roll my head to look at her.

“Who are you trying to convince Har? Me or yourself?” I place my head back on the pole and count all the lines in the ceiling feeling my eyelids get heavy and drift off to a sleep that only held painful and horrible nightmares.

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