Chapter Thirteen

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Liam’s POV

I dash in the house and the feeling of heat sweeps right over me. I cover my arm and nose with my jacket that I was wearing . I hear yelling coming from somewhere in the house and try to find the noise through the sound of burning wood. I see an open door and peek inside. I can see two bodies. One moving and the other that’s not.

“Oh my god! Please help us!” A girl cries and I run down the stairs.

“Here take this.” I give her my jacket and watch as she puts it over her nose and face.

I take the barely breathing girls in my arms and toss her over my shoulder. I help the other girl up. She holds on to my shoulder and tries to make her way up the stairs but a piece of the ceiling collapses, blocking the way to get through the door. I’m trying my hardest not to inhale the smoke but I can’t. I begin coughing and the girl on my shoulder, who I’m guessing is Emily due to the small birthmark on her wrist, is groaning.

I place her down gently and look at Harley. “Is there- any other way- out?” I cough and she looks frantically around the basement that she’s been in for three months.

“The window!” She points her head over by a pole running from the ceiling to the ground and I see it.

It’s a small window. I could maybe get the girls out of here through it, but I don’t know how I would be able to get through the fire that is by the window.

“My partner and Clover are outside. If I can get you out will you be able to run to them and tell them where we are?” I yell through the crackling of wood and she nods.

I grab her hand and hop over a few small flames on the ground. But those aren’t my problem. There’s a large flame right underneath the window. I see Harley give me a scared look and I do my best to give her a smile. I grip her hand tight and make my way as quickly as possible through the fire. I lift Harley up, onto my shoulders so she can open the window.

I can feel the fire on my legs, but I’m trying to stay strong for her. She winces at the glass and I’m guessing it’s hot. When she finally gets it open I force her through the window and to safety. Now all I have to worry about is Emily. I make my way back to her, losing air and feeling the pain of the burns setting in.

I see her chest is rising but barely.

“Don’t worry Emily. I’m going to get you out of here.” I whisper and she gives me a slight head nod of a response.

I go to lift her body up but a noise stops me. Then I hear more noise. And then I see the piece of ceiling being moved. I look up and see a few firefighters. I give them a weak smile, before passing out.

When I wake up I’m in a hospital room. I have an oxygen tube in my nose and throat and an IV connected to my arms. I can feel something on my legs but can’t see anything to my position on the bed.

“He’s up!” I hear someone yell at wince out their loudness. Louis.

“Where… How are they?”

“Their alive Liam. All three of them! You saved them.” Louis grins and I feel a smile spread across my face.

“Wow.” Is all I can get out.

“You got burned really bad Li.” Louis’ voice is low and I nod.

“I know.”

“They uh have to keep you all bandaged up and stuff. Just for a little while before you can technically go home.” Louis runs his fingers through his hair and I nod.

“What about Zayn and the other two?”

“Niall and Harry. We’re still looking for them.” Louis almost whispers and I sit up to fast in my bed.


“Liam you really have to calm down. It’s not good for you to…”

“To what? Worry? Those psychopaths are still out there and no one knows where they are? How is that even possible we have their names right?” I speaks fast and Louis sighs.

“Yes, but…”

“But what?”

“We have to consider the fact that they’ve already changed their names, even their looks. Maybe they have allies that are helping them. It’s not that easy. You see how long it took us to find them before.” Louis stands from his seat and begins pacing the ground.

“How long until I can get out of here?”

“Oh no. No, no, no.” He walks over to my bed and points his finger in my face.


“Don’t pull that whole when can I get out of here crap so you can leave and try to work on the case in finding them.”

“Look I just need to know so I can…” I try to speak but Louis cuts me off.

“No Liam. God do you not even care?” He stops pacing and looks at me. “You almost died back there. I almost lost you. My best friend and you don’t even care.” Louis’ voice cracks at the end, and I look at him with sad eyes.

“I’m sorry Lou.”

“I’m sorry. I get it. I really do. You want to find them and bring them to justice for what they did, it’s just… Cant we just be happy for a split second that we found the girls, alive, and that you survived to tell the tale?” Louis gives me his classic half smile and I laugh.


“Good. Now you should rest up, and I know what you’re going to say ‘But I’ve rested for four days’ well rest some more. I’ll check on you later.”

I roll my eyes but nod. “Alright.”

(A/N Yay an update!!!!! Lol!!!! So as always tell me what you think by dropping a little or big comment at the bottom, vote, share and all that other shizz! Love you!! Xx)

Thr33 (One Direction FanFic AU!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora