Chapter Ten

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Liam’s POV

I jolt out of my dream with sweat drenching my body. My chest is rising unevenly and I run my fingers through my growing hair. I sigh and lay my head back on my pillow rubbing my hands over my face. I really do believe it's time for a shave. I push the dream that I woke up from out of my head. I always tend to get the same dream when it's getting close to the third month. It never fails to consume my mind when the clock is ticking and we still have no sign of the girls.

It’s coming up to their third month of missing and everyone knows that if we don’t find them, they will be dead by the end of the month. I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom. I turn on the shower and that is the only noise that can be heard in my always silent and still home. I pull my curtain aside and step in, letting the hot water run over my body. I sigh and lean my head against the tile in the shower and think over the case.

Maybe there was something else Louis and I missed. Maybe we overlooked something. Hell I know we didn’t overlook anything. There’s nothing to overlook at all. Every little detail, every inch of evidence we have, I’ve looked at it. A hundred, a thousand, a million and one times, and yet I still come up with the same bullshit and the number three.

I pound my fist on the tiled wall and let my frustrated tears fall down my face mixing with the water that is running over my hair. I wipe my face down before grabbing my soap and washing myself. When I’m done with my long shower I step out and get dressed.

I throw on a pair of dark blue slacks, a white button up shirt, and a pair of black dress shoes. I find my keys, wallet, phone, badge, holster and gun and leave my house. When I get in my car I turn on the radio and begin my way to the office. Of course the radio is talking about the infamous ‘Triad Murderers’. I groan and shut the radio off.

When I get to the office it’s the usual bustle. There are trials, criminals in holding and investigations all over the place. I sigh and walk over to my desk, seeing if I have anything new. Of course I don’t because for some reason no one can get anything on the ‘Triad Murderers’ I guess it’s hard since no one knows what they look like. Especially since the girls that do know are all dead.

“Rough morning?” Louis chimes behind me and I nod.

“Isn’t it always.”

“Any new information?” He sits next to me and I search through my files one more time to see if I missed something.

“Nope. Nothing.”

Louis sighs  and rubs the bridge of his nose. I lean my head back on my chair and play with my thumbs. It’s times like these that I absolutely hate my job. I feel like it would be easier to be something simpler like a teacher or firefighter, because then I wouldn’t be chasing dead ends all day long and looking like an idiot to the public.

“Tomlinson, Payne! My office.” Our boss yelled and I sigh.

“Today is not my day.” I mutter and Louis pats my back.

“What can we do for you sir?” Louis gives our boss a sarcastic smile, making the older man roll his eyes.

“Drop the act Tomlinson.” He motions for us to sit and we do. “I need to know where we are with this case.”

“The same place we’ve been the last few weeks.” I speak low.

“I need a little more than that.” He retorts and I lean forward in my seat.

“Unless we get names, evidence, finger prints or anything else that’s all you have.”

“Liam…” Louis trails and I exhale through my nose.

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