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(A/N So I want to thank everyone for reading this book and showing it so much love. Like I said before I wasn't really sure of how people were going to take this book since like Zayn, Niall, and Harry were the bad guys but I think you all still really liked it!!! So once again thank you and I love you all!!! Xx)

Emily’s POV

The girls and I are getting ready to hang out with Liam and Louis. Through all of this they were probably the best thing that happened, other than us girls becoming really close. I know the situation was horrible and shitty, but I got two of the most amazing girls that I know will do anything for me as my friends and I think that’s an amazing thing.

Of course some days are hard. It sucks looking in the mirror and seeing those damn initials tattooed on your skin. I’m thinking about getting something over it, like a flower, to signify the change I was forced to make, or something like that. I don't know I'd do anything really, to cover up that dreaded tattoo.

There are a lot of sleepless nights. Some nights we all end up in the same dream. No matter how many counseling sessions I go to it will never fully help me. The only two people that can help are already with me, and I think that’s all I really need.

Liam and I have gotten close. Not like Clover and Louis but close as in friend wise. He told me why he was so persistent in finding Zayn, Niall and Harry. His daughter. She was in the first set of three girls that got taken. He told me how hard that was not only on him but his wife as well. They ended up getting a divorce shortly after their daughter’s death. And to top it all off, Louis was her godfather.

I can’t imagine losing someone so close to me. It would be like one of the girls dying. Or even Liam dying. Just thinking of that makes me shudder. I finish getting dressed and decide to do my make up.

Sometimes it’s hard going out. There will be a few news reporters asking us about our situation and how hard it was for us to be down there for three months. Then other days it’s easier. It’s quiet.  I like quiet, it helps me think. I hear my phone go off and check to see who it is. Of course it’s Liam.

I couldn’t remember it to put into my google maps and I’m not coming from home, had a case somewhere else :)

Of course. He’s always so over dedicated to his work. I smile and send him our address so he knows how to get here. I finish my makeup and head down stairs. Clover is still getting ready and Harley is in the kitchen eating an apple.

“Seriously? We’re going out to eat?” I laugh and she shows me her chewed food. “Gross.”

“I’m hungry.”

“Oh I can see.” She rolls her eyes at me and I see that I have another text from Liam.

Hey have some paperwork to file really fast. I’ll meet you all there alright? :)

I sigh and send him a quick reply. Clover walks down and she looks pretty, obviously someone is overdoing it for her boyfriend.

“Well don’t you look snazzy?” Harley raises an eyebrow and Clover rolls her eyes.

“Thank you.”

“Well we can go whenever you’re ready. Liam’s just messaged me saying he will just meet us there.” I stand from the stool and the girls nod.

“Yup, let’s go.” We walk towards the door, when I realize I left my clutch.

“Oh wait one second.” I run back inside to grab it.

When I walk out I lock the door and of course my phone would ring.

“Yes Liam?” I smile turning around to face Clover and Harley.

“How could it be Liam when he’s dead. Oh Emily, don’t you remember my voice.”

I stop moving and my mouth drops. It feels like ice is running through my veins and my heart beat doubles in seconds.

“Emily, we know you’re still there. Look across the street.”

I look up and drop my phone. I see them. Harry flipping his lighter, Niall twirling his knife, and Zayn raising his gun to his lips as if he’s telling me to be quiet. A bus goes by and when it’s gone so are they.

I don’t even hear Harley and Clover anymore. I can’t stop looking in that spot. I saw them. Their back and Liam’s…

“Emily! What’s wrong?” Clover shakes my shoulders and I finally look at her.

“Liam’s dead.”

“What?” Harley cries and I shake my head.

“Their back. I just saw them across the street.” I point my finger to where I saw them and I feel Clover begin to tremble. “Their back.”

(A/N I know it's short and a cliffhanger, but what did you all think!?!?!?! Right now it's up in the air if I'm going to do a sequel. One of my editors and I were talking about it and came up with like a vague but general story line but it all depends on you guys. If you want a sequel then I will write one, but I probably won't start until January or something. So yeahhh drop a comment, vote, share and all that other shizzz! Xx)

Thr33 (One Direction FanFic AU!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora