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Jasmine's pov
I woke up to feel someone shaking me.When I fully opened my eyes it looked like I was in a cave . I sat up to  see Octavia with a worried and scared look on her

"Jasmine your awake we have to get out of here".Before we could get up I heard footsteps getting closer too us.Octavia tried to run but her leg stopped her.Two grounder walked in with blades glowing red.They better not do what I thing they are going to do, they were gonna torture us  till we gave information about the 100. One of them walked over to me .He placed the blade on my gash,I let out a ear splitting scream ,the other grounder doing the same with octavia but the pain was to much for her and passed out.

Bellamy and Finn weren't gonna give up ,they were going to find their sisters, if it was the last thing they did.Bellamy called  some people to arm up with weapons

Jasmine's Pov
A few hours had passed and I hoped Bellamy and my brother were looking for me.The two grounders didn't do us any harm in fact they had helped us.They stopped the bleeding with the heating the blade. I saw Octavia move indicating that she was waking up.She looked at leg checking to see if it was still bleeding."They fixed it?""Yeah, now we have to get out of here".Yeah I Wanted my brother and Bellamy to find me but I wasn't gonna wait like some princess.Once Octavia stood up.We walked over to a wall which looked like a weapon wall.Octavia picked up what looked like a branch or a antler.I didn't want anything so I walked past it and made a right and walked straight till we came across a few pushed out rocks as soon as we saw it we started pulling till there was an opening enough for us to crawl out.

I helped pushed octavia up first then climbed up afterwords once I made it outside.I got up and started walking.There was no time for resting I could rest when I was at safety inside the walls.

Raven's pov
Clarke and I were going to find battery so I could fix the radio.We were going the "art supply store"I didn't know they meant by art supply store,what or wherever that was,I just wanted battery for the radio.When Clarke came to a stop she bent down and brushed away some leaves to reveal a handle,she pulled it open and climbed down

Octavia's pov
Jasmine and I started walking after we ran for bout a mile.While we were walking.We saw a girl running it was Roma from camp.I was glad to see someone from camp but the problem was she was running and down on earth when your alone in the woods and running ,with a scared look on your face it meant danger.
Jasmine 's pov
We were jogging over in her direction till we heard a scream.What I saw scared the living hell out of me.A spear right in her chest."Roma!"Jasmine was about to run over there when a strong  pair of arms picked her up bridal style and put her behind  some  bushes and covered her mouth.When the grounders knew Roma was dead they picked me and Jasmine  up and kidnapped us again.
Jasmine 's pov
We walked for what felt
like forever.My legs were gonna give away but I get on walking,"ughh ..... my legs"Octavia complained."Fine how about I give you a piggyback ride"I walked over to her and bend over so she get on my back"There are you happy now""Yes actually"The grounder turned around  and snatched octavia off my back and carried her bridal style.I walked up to him snd pushed him."Let her go I was fine carrying her"He didn't even look at me."Hey"I turned to the other grounder "Tell your friend to put down my friend Neither did he look at me"You know what screw this"I said trying to get their attention,they still didn't look.I knew what would get there attention.I picked up a small rock and  threw it a his back.He stopped and turned to look at me but with a bit  of a  smirk not a evil smirk but like he was bout laugh but he held it in.

"Spichen gada""what the hell does that mean?""Goufa""I give up"We walked until we got back to the same place.Not again."What the hell are you doing"Octavia yelled"Get off of me"I was fighting back with a determined look on my face while Octavia was on the verge of tears.

After the attempted grounder attack,Bellamy,Finn ,Jasper and Monroe were walking around looking for Roma.When they saw her they had no idea  that she was dead ,long dead.As Bellamy got closer he saw the spear in her chest her eyes open,He reached up and closed her eyes."I 'm sorry""Look"Monroe said pointing to the left of them was a grounder by himself."Maybe he knows where jasmine and Octavia are"Jasper said"I'm following him"Bellamy said walking in the direction the grounder was walking in.
Jasmine's pov
Octavia and I had a plan when the grounders came back we would knock them out.A hour passed and they returned as they were walking up I turned around and swung the rock across his head knocking him out.The other grounder got surprised and tries to fight back but got knocked out instead."Our plan worked"I said looking at octavia.Octavia stood up and got the key out of his hands and started unlocking her chains when we heard footstep walking into the cave.More grounders great.Octavia dropped the key, scared if being caught

When the person finally came into view I was so relieved.I was met with bellamy face looking at me and octavia."Jasmine ,Octavia""Get the key"After Bellamy unlocked us I hugged Bellamy and walked over to my brother and gave him a bear hug."I missed you  so much"He whispered in my ear"Missed you too"I said back........Guys could we leave now before he wakes up"I said

My brother walked over to the grounder and studied him and before I could say another word to convince Bellamy to leave ,the grounder woke up and flung a knife into my brother's rib."Finn!"I ran over to where he had fallen and lifted up his head to keep him awake.While I was bawling my eyes I saw the same grounder up and with a spear at Bellamy throat.All hell broke loose before the grounder could jab him ,Jasper knocked him out with a pole.

The walk back to camp was long.My brother had to make it.Clarke could fix him.As soon as I saw the camp walls I ran in screaming to get Clarke like a mad person.When Clarke came up to us she was on the verge of breaking down.I saw someone familiar running behind Clarke."Raven!"I yelled running up to her and giving her a hug."I haven't seen you in forever"Raven said.She saw my tear stained face and was puzzled but when I saw her eyes look behind me and filled with tears.I knew she had seen him too."get him in the dropship now go!"Clarke demanded""Clarke can you save him " raven asked walking up to Clarke"No I need my mother""Raven fix the radio"Clarke said walking away

"Jasmine I need your help"Raven said turning.I was willing to help if it involved someone I cared about.We ran into the dropship to a table with a radio on it

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