Unity Day

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"My friends ,this is an historic unity day,every year we mark the moment our ancestors of the 12 stations joined to form the ark.But this is the last time we do so while abroad her,next year on the ground"

"After we did all the work,someone shut him up"Miller said annoying."You shut up Miller no one's forcing you too watch"Raven replied back.

Jasmine's pov
My birthday was today on unity day,my brother makes a big fuss out of it because their were suppose to be 13 stations but I don't see why he cares that was before our great grandparents were even born.Octavia walked into the tent with something in her hand."Happy Birthday your finally 17"Octavia said pulling away out her hand with a  stone with a a flower sticking out of it."How did you find a lithop?""A what?""A lithop, a lithop is a genus succulent plants""Oh""You have no idea what I just said did you""No"

We heard Jasper yelling something about Unity juice.I looked outside my tent to see Jasper pouring everyone Unity juice from a keg.When everyone was crowded around Jasper I saw Octavia sneaking towards the gate."Octavia where are you going?""To see Lincoln""What if you get caught""I hope I don't"Octavia turned on her heels and ran out the gate."Here is unity juice for the birthday girl"Jasper said walking up to me with a cup "Thanks jasper""Welcome"

Later that night while everyone was playing around. I sat alone on a rock."Happy birthday"Bellamy said "Thanks".I had so many people say happy birthday to me"I got you something"Bellamy pulled out a bracelet made out of metal  with plastics flowers  around it."Where did you get this? ""I found it when we went to that bunker""It looks beautiful thanks""Not as beautiful as you"My face turned tomato red when he said that."Well someone is a flirt",Before Bellamy could say anything Clarke walked up to us."Finn set up a meeting with the grounders"That comment just killed my whole birthday mood."Why?""So we can make peace"I scoffed at that idea why his Finn taking the grounders side,they attacked us first."I need you guys to bring back up""Got it"

I got up and put the bracelet in my back pocket and walked to the tent  where Raven ,Jasper and Ainsley were in taking out gunpowder out of the bullets."R we need some bullets""What for?""My brother is planning something stupid and we need backup""Jasper,Ainsley you're coming with me"Bellamy said walking into the tent."I'm coming with you guys"Raven said pack her stuff "We should get Clarke" Ainsley said.Silence filled the tent."Clarke's with Finn isn't she".All five of us waited a few minutes to put distance between us and Clarke.   

We found some acorns on the ground which would lead us to where Clarke  and Finn were going. A hour later we saw a bridge in the distance with Finn,Clarke,Octavia and Lincoln on standing in the bridge waiting for the grounders.We heard horses coming toward the bridge.Three horses came onto the bridge ,the horse in the middle had a girl on top with black paint around the eye area her hair a mixed colour of blonde and black.Clarke and grounder girl walked to the middle of the bridge.Clarke being friendly outstretched her hand to shake grounder girl hand but grounder girl looked disgusted by the sight of Clarke and didn't agree.

By the looks the conversation was a little off."This is bad"Jasper said"There's grounders in the trees""Where? ""Clarke run".Jasper ran out into the opening and started shooting up the place like a mad man,Ainsley following after him.Just as grounder girl was about to stab Clarke I lifted my gun and shot her in the arm.Bullets and arrows were flying everywhere.When everyone was off the bridge we ran all the way back to camp."Got something to say?""Yeah I said no guns""I told you we couldn't trust the grounders""why didn't you tell me""I tried but you were to busy making bullets for your gun""You're lucky she brought that""Jasper fired the first shot""You ruined everything"Everyone walked into camp leaving me,Ainsley,Clarke and Bellamy."Best unity day ever"I said being. sarcastic.We heard and explosion in the sky.""Guys your parents are early" I said to Clarke and Ainsley."Wait the parachute chute should   open by now"Ainsley said.The dropship reached the earth with force causing it to explode sending  a light over the woods.Clarke knees buckled and fell on the ground while Ainsley stood their still looking at the sky but then ran inside camp,maybe she didn't want anyone to see her cry she wanted to be strong.

We all had to be strong down here on earth

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