We are grounders 2

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People were moving around frantically packing there stuff.Finn,Clarke,Bellamy and I were talking about what would happen,Bellamy insisted that we ask the Reapers."Not this enemy we saw them trust me,its not an option"Clarke said ."There's no time for this can she walk or not"Finn asked referring to Raven "No we have to carry her" "the hell you will I'm good to go" Raven said getting up of the table "Raven stop the bullet is still inside of you if by some miracle there's no internal bleeding it might hold until we get somewhere safe,but you are not walking is that clear?".Raven nodded a her head.Finn walked out to go get the stretcher when someone decided to finally say some smart ass comment.

"Can't run away fast enough,huh?"Bellamy said.Bellamy wanted to stay and fight for our home but we were barely prepared there were more grounders than us."Dying in a fight you can't win isn't brave Bellamy its stupid "Finn said walking back in the dropship
"Spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight"The two were getting closer and I knew they were gonna get physical."All right that's enough"I said getting in between them."Its time to go"Clarke said sensing the tension too."If they follow ,its a 120 mile walk to the ocean" Bellamy said."Look we're wasting time if he wants to stay he can stay"Finn retorted back "No he can't"

We were leaving camp,we huddled together while walking through the woods.I was in the front with Octavia and Ainsley .I had my eyes and ears open.We were a mile away from a camp when Octavia put her hand in front of me and Ainsley.I heard a whooshing sound before I knew it Drew a boy behind me had a spike between his eyes."Grounders!".Everybody ran back to camp when I reached the gate I looked back to see Ainsley resting on a tree with her leg bleeding."Ainsley!".I ran back out and over to her,I grabbed her arm and pulled it over my shoulder."Someone's spear poked me".When we got back into camp I set her down on a log and wrapped her leg in a piece of clothe."Gotta be more careful"Ainsley said to herself.

There was screaming and yelling  everywhere."Lincoln and Zorion said the Scouts would be the first to arrive"Clarke informed "If it's scouts we can fight our way out" Octavia said determined "We're done doing what those grounder so would do"Bellamy said referring to Lincoln and Zorion."Those grounders so saved our lives"My brother said defending Octavia"For all we know there could be one scout out there" "One scout with insanely good aim"Jasper said frantically"Scouts...as in more than one" "Clarke we could still do this " "Looking to you Clarke what's it gonna be?"I said."Clarke didn't say anything."Clarke if we're still here when Tristan comes here" "Lincoln said get home before the scouts arrive,guys there already here" "looks like you got your fight"Clarke said looking to Bellamy."Ok then ,this is what we have been preparing for,kill them before they kill us, Gunners to your positions,use the tunnels to get in and out from now on the gate stays closed".

Octavia and I walked over to the foxholes when...."wait you two are not gunners" "No we're not "Octavia said with sass in her voice "Like you said I'm a grounder"Octavia said and walked off with her sword in her hand.It was just me and Bellamy left and it was awkward I was about walk off when his part comes."Your not strong enough to fight" "Yes I   am,I feel a lot better"I walked off leaving him dumbfounded.I crawled through the tunnel and into the foxhole with my sword in its sheath on my back.

"All foxholes listen up watch out for grounder and inflict causalities as many as possible ,you can hold them of long enough to make them turn back that's the plan"Bellamy's voice came through the radio.

Back on the ark
Sinclair was explaining everything that would happen if the ark were to be sent down to the  ground.Some were unsure of this idea ,some were agreeing ,desperate of not dying.What made some frantic was that some of the stations would explode on the way down ,not sure which one.

They were ready.Mankind were ready to return home.Everyone sat huddled up close with seatbelts ,some had packed some important stuff..Sinclair hit the button that would take them home.But they didn't a
take off "someone will have to launch manually"Kane got up to sacrifice himself  but before he could reach the door the ship moved with a forceful jerk."Godspeed my friends Godspeed"Jaha said his farewell goodbye.
Jasmine's pov
War drums.The sound I dreaded at the moment.We had been in the foxholes for hours till we heard the war drums we all knew what that  meant.It was war time.

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