Destroyer of worlds

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Jasmine' pov
Some of the people from the hundred were out looking were the dropship landed.Raven and I were looking for anything that might have caused it to crash.There were some people around the perimeter of the crash site looking out for grounders.Ainsley's eyes were red from crying last night and Clarke just had a sad and desperate look on her face .She wanted answers so did Ainsley."Finn look for a black box, hard drives anything explaining why the ship crashed"I said.

Clarke stop!" Raven yelled I looked to up see a purple liquid flowing out.Hydrazine.
"Highly unstable in its non solid form"Raven informed everyone."If that stuff meets fire we're al pink mist"I said "Fire in the hole"Raven yelled and threw a rock that she dipped in the hydrazine into a small fire which lead to a big explosive."We should clear the area"

When we got back to camp we heard people talking about murphy being back."Where is he?"Bellamy asked walking into the dropship me,Finn and Clarke following after him."I was running from the grounders""Did anyone see grounders"Connor and Derek shook their heads no."Well in that case"Bellamy said raising his gun"Stop Bellamy!"I yelled pushing his gun aside."We hanged him banished him and now we're gonna kill him!"Bellamy yelled."He was with the grounders he might know stuff"Finn yelled back."Finn is right"Clarke said walking up to Murphy."They tortured him his fingernails are gone"Clarke said."What did you tell them about us"Bellamy demanded."Everything"Murphy said weakly."Once he gets better he's out if here"Clarke said.I walked out of the dropship knowing what  she was gonna say and over to Raven's tent to help her out."Hey R""Hey""Need any ?""Not now"
I sat down across from her when Clarke walked in"Sorry I thought no one was in here""You okay""Yeah".There was silence that filled the tent."Clarke your eyes!"Raven said.Blood trailed down Clarke's cheek that came from her eyes."Clarke!"Connor yelled from outside.All three of us ran out to see Connor bleeding and it was bleeding swiftly.There was coughing over by the fire place ,I turned my head to see Derek having blood tribble out of his mouth."Raven Jasmine stay away from us""what's going on?"Raven asked "It's probably Murphy".Clarke ran into the dropship.

Octavia left the dropship and headed to the gate."O where are you going""I'm going to Lincoln to see if he has a cure""I'm coming with you""Fine let's go"We walked forever  to get to that bloody cave."When we got there we saw Lincoln pacing around the room with the other grounder sitting across from him.When he saw Octavia he walked up to her and started checking her."You knew""I tried to get you out of there"

"You must be Zorion"I said walking over to the other grounder"Yes and you must be Jasmine""Yep""Nice too finally meet you face to face and not with that mask of yours"I said causing him to laugh"It is what the men from my  clan wear""Interesting""Come on Jasmine"Octavia said "Bye""Bye"While walking back to camp we were silent Octavia looked pissed."Is there a Cure ?""No,their attack at first light""Attack?,you mean like we are in war""Yes"
When we were getting closer to camp I felt something trickle down my nose,I knew exactly what that meant I caught the virus."Octavia get away from me""What?""I have the virus".Octavia pulled out a cloth  from her jacket and gave it to me."Tie it around you nose and mouth""Thanks""We need to keep moving"
When we got back to camp Clarke was in Finn's arm,I looked over at Raven to see her with a sad look on her face.My brother was really screwing his relationship up and Raven was trying to forgive and he keeps losing her forgiveness."There is no cure,but the grounders don't use the sickness to kill,they use it to soften the battlefield"Octavia explained."Really tell that to them"Bellamy said pointing to two dead bodies."I warned you about seeing that grounder again""Well I  have a warning  for you too,the grounders are coming and they're attacking at first light""How many bullets can you make by first light?"Bellamy asked looking at Raven

Raven,Jasper,Monty,Ainsley,Harper and I were loading the guns getting ready for the war  coming ,to be honest I was scared not to die but losing,my brother,Raven and Bellamy and all my other friends."Why just 5?"Ainsley asked "we're running out off gunpowder""What do we need we need to build a bomb?"my brother asked walking in the tent,me unable to talk because of the cloth  Raven spoke for me."Depends on what you're trying to blow up""A bridge, murphy said on his way back here from the grounders camp he crossed a bridge""Yeah and?"Bellamy said sounding a little annoyed"blowing up the bridge won't stop the attack but it could delay it the more of us will be able to fight".

Raven,Bellamy,Finn,Monty and I went to the crash site to get hydrazine I stood at the front ,away from the hydrazine while raven got it because of her space suit.When we got back to camp Raven poured the hydrazine into a jar to so we could use it to make a bomb."we need a bomb tonight" Finn said."Ok you need to be at least 200 feet away to make the shot."Which one of you plants the bomb?"Bellamy asked Silence filled the room."I'll plant it"I said "No"Finn said I will""Your ok with blowing people up but not picking up a gun"Bellamy said.My dumbass of a brother hesitated to answer that  question like he wanted me or Raven to plant that bomb.Raven and I looked at each with a disgusted look on our faces we were both disappointed in Finn.Bellamy nose started to bleed."Bellamy don't touch anything"I said.Bellamy lifted up his finger to touch his nose."I'll bring you to the dropship"I said walking over to him"No aren't you sick too""No I feel better""No you could catch it again"Bellamy said walking out soon after.Soon after my brother as soon as Finn left the tent, I picked  up a extra backpack and carefully put the bomb in it."Your gonna do what I think your gonna do""Yep I am gonna blow that bridge up""I'm coming with you"

Before Finn came  back to the tent  we would have been long gone and we were by the time we got to the bridge it was first light.Raven would plant the bomb and I would shoot since my jackass of a brother wanted to hesitate,me and raven both knew he really didn't want to plant the bomb.It turns out Raven got the virus Raven walked onto the bridge while I took place on where I would shoot.Raven was taking forever to plant the bomb,I knew she wasn't feeling well,I couldn't just leave her like that.I got from my place and ran down to the bridge."Raven let me do it""No,let me"I heard the most terrifying noise,war drums ,Raven was done planting the bomb I put her hands over my shoulder but she collapsed bringing me down with her.I felt her weight  being lifted off of me I looked t see Finn picking her up and running of the bridge I followed right after him."Shoot Jasper shoot!"Finn yelled when we were no where near the bridge we got down behind some rocks.We waited but there was no explosion."You call that shooting?"Monty said running to Jasper with a gun.I guess Monty gave Jasper a pep talk cause Jasper made the shot.There were bodies flying backwards off the bridge separating the bridges.Jasper did it.

When we got back to camp everyone cheered when Jasper and Monty walked in.Not so much when they saw Finn and I carry Raven.

All we have to do is prepare for a war ,a war that I wasn't prepared for.

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