bokuaka ➳ cuddle?

416 33 14

"Bokuto-san, it's cold. Did your heater break?" Akaashi asked, fidgeting around as he tried to press himself into the couch for some additional warmth.

"Huh? I don't think so." Bokuto asked, his eyes on the glistening glass of his window.


"Look Akaashi, it's snowing," He breathed out quietly, his eyes full of wonder. He pressed his nose against the window, exhaling slowly, as his warm breath coated the glass.

Outside the window, lay vast blankets of snow, and white everywhere you looked. All over the trees, cars, rooftops, and anywhere else the eye could see. It was like a wonderland. One where Bokuto wanted to frolic around in with Akaashi.

"Hey, Akaashi. Let's g-" Bokuto suggested, excitement coating his voice before he was cut off by Akaashi.

"Bokuto-san, it's too cold. Cuddle?" Akaashi asked instead, reaching out his trembling hands in an attempt to reach Bokuto from the couch.

Bokuto's eyes lit up, as he leaped onto the couch, snuggling in right next to Akaashi. He wrapped his arms around the slightly smaller boy, pulling him in so that his warmth can satisfy him.

Akaashi sighed contently, some feeling coming back to his cold body.

Bokuto smiles softly, as he buries his nose into Akaashi's neck, and laughs quietly as his boyfriend slowly starts to fell asleep. As he gazes adoringly at Akaashi's sleeping figure, he smiles to himself.

What a great way to spend a snowy day.


Bleh, my writing sucks.

Written on May 17, 2016 ~ May 18, 2016.

euphoria ➳ drabblesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang