kagehina ➳ bonfire

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"Oi, dumbass! You're going to set yourself on fire if you step any closer to the bonfire," Kageyama yelled, yanking Hinata backwards roughly, causing him to drop his marshmallow. The shorter boy let out a noise of surprise before quickly wiggled out of his tight grip.

"Kageyama, you made me drop my marshmallow," Hinata whined, slapping Kageyama's hand away when he tried to pull him back again. He bent down to pick up his marshmallow and place it back onto the stick he had found minutes before. "Stop!" He yelled suddenly as Kageyama yanked the marshmallow out of his grip and threw it backwards into the bushes.

"It's already burnt," He deadpanned. "Here, you can have my s'more."

"What if I don't want your s'more."

"Fine! Have it your way then," Kageyama grunted and stuffed the s'more into his mouth. He glared at the orange haired boy for a few seconds before reaching out to pull him closer to his body.

"Hey!" Hinata squeaked, trying to get out of the embrace.

"You're shaking, so you must be cold," Kageyama whispered, resting his chin as his eyes trailed up to look at the stars. Hinata visibly relaxed and softly smiled as they stood there and watched the stars together.


This is the fluffy kagehina drabble I accidentally deleted lol.

Thanks for all of the reads, votes, and comments!

Written on July 27, 2016

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