bokuroo ➳ procrastination

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"Kuroo, I can't do this anymore!" Bokuto whined as he mindlessly tapped his mechanical pencil on the desk. His fingers tangled themselves into his hair, tugging on several stray strands in a lousy attempt to focus on the task at hand.

"It's you fault for putting off your report for two months and doing it the night before it's due, but that isn't my problem," Kuroo's muffled voice chided from beneath a pile of empty chip bags and blankets.

Artificial light illuminated the room and glowing red numbers shifted from 11:59 to 12:00.

"Would you look at that. It's midnight already!" He gasped, eyes open wide in mock surprise. By this time, he was already kicking off his covers and sluggishly making his way to where Bokuto sat, hunched over his laptop.

"Shut up, Kuroo. I forgot about it for a while, and I just don't want to do it," Bokuto muttered, visibly relaxing as Kuroo weaved his hands through the mess of silver locks atop his head.

"Aw, my poor baby. Do you want me to make you some coffee?" Kuroo suggested softly, chin resting on the latter's shoulder as his eyes scanned the blank document.


Minutes later, Bokuto was sipping contently on his warm coffee, pondering on how to finish his report on time. His mind was blank and all he could think of was the warmth radiating from the hugging figure clinging to his back.

He regretted putting the assignment off until the last minute, but he was sure that he could finish before dawn.


(bokuto's situation is based off of a recent experience of mine lmao.)

thank you so much for 600+ reads!!!!

written on October 29, 2016 -October 30, 2016

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