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"Dear Ashton,

I'm glad you wrote back, it shows me that you don't mind me filling your time with my letters which don't even make sense.

I'll make this one a little bit longer, and I'll tell you a little bit about myself and about my life. I hope you're interested though, but if you aren't, you can just not read this and just throw it away. That's okay to me too. (To be honest it isn't because then I'd write this for noone, but do what you want, you didn't sign up for these letters, did you.)

The thing is with writing, you can't read whether it's a joke, or serious talk. For example; the sentences before this, were meant as a joke. I'm not really a bitch. Well, at least my friends say that I'm not.

So first about my 'gorgeous' smile. The smile itself isn't that pretty, believe me, but I used to have braces for about 3 years, so yes, my teeth are nice and white, which I'm quite happy with. (this wasn't serious talk either. Thanks for that compliment in your last letter though, it made me happy.)

I got bullied a lot at school, because I'm not like all girls. I listen to music other girls don't listen to, I think the way no other girl does, and I write letters to nice strangers while drinking a coffee. I guess they didn't accept that. They could only accept the normal people.

Playing guitar is something I've done now for almost 6 years. (I'm 18 now, so that means since I was 12) I also used to play piano but stopped because I didn't like it anymore.

I stopped going to school, and after staying home for a couple of months, I decided that I wanted to do my own things. Both my parents aren't here anymore. My mother died last year. Cancer. It's a dick. I would rather not talk about my father, because he left us when I was about 10. He is a dick as well.

I apologize for telling you all those things you might don't even want to know. I open up to people way too soon and easily. I really shouldn't do that, but I can't help it.

Tell me something about yourself though, if you'd like. I would love to know what's going on behind the beautiful green eyes, what they've seen, and what they haven't.

- Tiffany. "

Letters // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now