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Ashton had finally succeeded in getting himself out of bed, and thought it would be a good idea to go to the coffee shop and see how Tiffany was doing on her first day. But as he was about to open the door to enter the shop, he saw Tiffany talking to someone he had hoped to never see again.

Madison Giuca

Madison and Ashton had dated each other until she made up a rumour he was never going to forgive her for. He broke up with her, moved to England a few months later, and they never spoke again. His smile soon faded, and a frown appeared on his face. Ashton walked up to the girls, and got greeted by Tiffany, who was secretly really curious to how Ashton would react to Madison. Let's not forget that she still didn't know for sure that he hadn't been lying to her.

'This is Madison, do you know her?' Tiffany smiled, getting followed by Madison who playfully hit his shoulder. 'Of course he knows me.'

Next thing he knew, Madison's lips were against his. What the hell was going on here? Now, not only Ashton's smile had faded, because Tiffany had replaced hers with a look you would get scared of.

'What the hell?!' Tiffany wanted to ask things, but this was the only thing coming out of her mouth. She stormed out, quickly shouting that she was taking a break to one of her colleagues. Maybe she had been wrong, maybe Ashton was lying to her.

Ashton, still standing in the middle of the coffee shop, had now pushed Madison away from him. 'What do think you're doing?'

'Can't I kiss my boyfriend?'

'I am not your freaking boyfriend! Listen up, I don't know what's going on inside that fucked up head of yours, but we're over. You faked being pregnant, you put everyone back home against me That's unforgivable. Stop ruining my life, get out of it, leave me and Tiffany alone.' He shouted. He had to take a deep breath to stop himself from freaking out, and he stood for a moment just looking at Madison and how she had this devilish smile on her face he recognized from her earlier evil actions. Then he realized that Tiffany was nowhere to be seen, and so he made his way out of the shop before starting his search for his girlfriend.

Tiffany had a park where she could always find herself relaxing after a long day. She went there whenever she needed to get away from things, or when she just wanted to be alone for a while. It wasn't a big surprise that Ashton went to that park first, thinking she could have gone there. But when he got there, there was no Tiffany. There was an old couple sitting on a small bench, watching two dogs running around, but as Ashton asked them if they had seen her (he showed them a picture of Tiffany and Ashton together), the two couldn't help him.

Then Ashton visited a few more places where Tiffany possibly could have been, and then finally after a what seemed like hours, he returned to their flat without success. Ashton noticed a piece of paper on the couch when he wanted to sit down on it and he knew it would be from Tiffany, which made him unfold it as quick as possible before reading it out loud to himself.

'' Ash,

First of all: what the hell? Why didn't you tell me about Madison? Having another girlfriend, or cheating on me, or whatever you're doing with her behind my back, is one thing. But was it really your plan to keep it a secret for me forever? How can I even believe you when you say you love me, when you might be telling 20 other people the same?

Madison visited me once, while you were in Australia with your family, and she told me you were dating each other. Maybe I should've believed her immediately, I don't know.

What is going on Ashton..?

Just so you know, I'm staying at Edith's place for a while. I need to think about it, I don't know how things will go between us, but for now, I'm wishing you good luck and have fun with Madison.


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