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A few weeks had passed, and the two strangers had been exchanging a couple more writings. She was having hard times finding out what exactly he had written down, because of his messy handwriting, And he still hadn't found out who exactly she was. He did have a small list of people that walked in or were already sitting somewhere in the coffeeshop every Tuesday as he came to get his weekly drink, though. He'd been adding people to the list since the week he wrote his first letter to Tiffany.

There was an old couple, sitting on what looked like rather comfortable chairs. He had seen them most of the times he visited the shop, and they'd be talking to each other, looking cute. The women was always taking small bites of her large chocolate cookie, and the older man was eating peacefully of his carrot cake. Ashton quite enjoyed looking at them, but knew that they were not the person he was looking for. So he took another sip of his drink, and when it was empty, he would've asked the waitress for another one. Because he told himself that very morning that he was going to find out who Tiffany was, that day. And he did not stop looking around, trying to recognize faces, analyze moves, and to listen to conversations people were having.

There were also 3 girls, Ashton thought they looked like they were between the age of 16 and 19. Maybe, he thought, one of them could be Tiffany, but that chance looked too small. He knew that none of them had ever looked his way. To be 100% sure of that, however, he had listened to the girls speaking to each other a couple of times. And when he heard one of the girls shouting two different names at the remaining girls, he knew that they weren't the person he was looking for either.

Then there were still some other people he'd seen multiple times but he did not add them to the list, because some of them were boys, some of them were younger girls, and some of them were just not the right person to be a Tiffany.

As Ashton walked into the shop that morning, earlier than he normal did, he walked past Tiffany's table, and smiled at her as she smiled back at him. She knew, that he would smile at every single person he saw, so it wasn't any personal and it didn't mean a thing for him. But she still thought it was cute.

She thought a lot, really. Sometimes, she'd overthink herself, and stay awake for days and days. She wouldn't sleep, wouldn't speak, wouldn't eat. Only read, or write. The last 2 weeks she'd been overthinking again, so she took a book with her to the coffeeshop almost every day. She'd read and read and read, not thinking about anything, just forgetting about everything in the world. She didn't worry too much about her sleepless nights and thoughts, though, she believed that every person has those kind of days so now and then.

Tiffany was reading 'The fault in our stars' again that day, she only had 35 pages to read left. Sometimes she had to hold back a tear from falling, finding the story rather sad but romantic at the same time.

Ashton noticed how she smiled weakly down at her book as a tear which was too strong to fight back rolled down her cheek. He had been watching her for a while now, trying to find out whether she was the person he was searching for or not. Yes, she was the person he was searching for. And yes, she knew that, of course, but she didn't say a word.

She did not want to dissappoint him, not yet. She believed, that he was expecting to find a beautiful girl with long blond hair, big blue eyes and loads of make-up on her face. Which Tiffany definitaly wasn't. Tiffany was more like the cute, not that tall, brown haired girl. Her waivy hair came just under her shoulder, and her eyes were dark, almost black you would say. She thought that the way she looked would never be any boy's ideal girl- look, whilst her friends would've loved to look like her.

He, the boy she'd been writing letters to for the past weeks, thought she was beautiful as well, just like her friends. He knew his thoughts were a little bit cheesy, but he truly thought she was beautiful the way she was. And secretly, somewhere deep in his mind, he hoped that she, the shy brown haired girl who cried whilst reading books, would be his writing stranger.


Hello lovelies! sorry this is not perfect at all, but it will get at least a little bit better in the upcoming chapters, I can promise you that. :)

I'm also sorry if there are any mistakes! I haven't checked for them yet...

I'll try to update again soon. xxx

Letters // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now