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Ashton's letter went from Australia all the way to England, but not exactly the way he had wanted it. His words arrived at Tiffany's house, on the second of January. It wasn't that much of a problem, though, since they had spoken to each other over the phone multiple times.

Tiffany had read the small letter from her boyfriend with a huge grin spread all over her face, while her hand was rested on one of her quickly heating cheeks. She loved how he wrote to her, instead of mainstream Skyping. Well, they had talked on Skype once since they had been separated, and yes that of course was sweet and all, but the way he had decided to write to her like they had done to each other when still half strangers made her just extremely happy.

She had planned to write back that evening, and was now even already sat in front of a piece of paper, holding a pen she had found lying somewhere in her messy kitchen earlier, but those plans got soon interrupted by someone's knocking on the door. She frowned, because she could honestly not think of even one person that could be showing up at her doorstep at that right moment. Whilst getting up and turning on her heel to go and open it, she thought that maybe she had made plans with a friend and had just forgotten about it, like she often did with her messy mind. The person standing in front of her seconds later, however, was someone she had never seen before.

'Hello!' A pretty girl, who had long blonde hair and the brightest eyes Tiffany had ever seen, said. She seemed to be at the same age as Tiffany was, but a bit taller.

'Um, hi. Who are you?' She responded, sounding more rude than she had wanted it to sound. She wasn't mean, just curious.

The smile on the unknown girl's face looked like one that a person would wear to sell things door to door. You know, like cookies or something. It reminded Tiffany of when she was younger, of when she and a few other girls from school had to sell cookies for charity, though they ended up eating at least 20% of them, themselves. They had those chocolate chips in them which made them absolutely delicious and irresistable. Tiffany did feel bad about eating the cookies afterwards, though, which caused her to eventually pay back the money she and the girls from school had eaten away to her teacher.

'My name's Madison. You're Tiffany, right?' The girl responded, still with the cookie selling smile. Tiffany nodded not long before her eyebrows met each other in a frown, causing Madison to giggle. The two girls then stayed silent for a few moments in which Tiffany tried her hardest to remember meeting a girl named Madison, although she didn't succeed. Then the blonde girl spoke up, surely trying to clear things up for the confused Tiffany in front of her.

'Ricky sent me here, you know him, don't you?'

'I do, yes.' Tiffany smiled, thinking of the brown haired boy she had met only about 3 weeks before. Ricky was one of Ashton's friends in London, and they had bumped into him somewhere on the streets on their way back to Ashton's apartment once. Tiffany thought he was, or seemed like, a really nice guy. 'But why did you come here?'

Madison smiled, 'I came here to see my boyfriend, he wasn't home so Ricky told me that I could possibly find him here.'

'Your boyfriend?' Tiffany asked. She was of course sure that there was no boy living in the same house as she did, and not even a boy who visited her often. Well, except from Ashton. Then it hit her, because, how well did she really know Ashton? How could she be so sure about Ashton not being a cheat? But she told herself, no, because he wouldn't be a person to cheat, or to keep secrets like that away from her, but maybe, that was only what she thought.

'My boyfriend, yes, his name's Ashton.'


Oh okay I didn't plan to write this because WOW PLOT TWIST but here we are with some sort of cliffhanger, I guess?

Right, guys I never ask this because then I feel rude or something, but could you please vote for this chapter, or any chapters from this story that you haven't voted for yet so that I can hit 350 votes before January ends? <3 I swear I'll love you forever! [ which I of course already do ;)) ]

I hope you're having / you've had a great day, keep smiling beautiful <3 xx

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