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Two days had gone by, and Tiffany still hadn't spoken about it to Ashton. He had called her multiple times, and yes she did answer his calls, but she wanted to see his face when she would confront him with the news about Madison. She found that was the only way she could really know whether he was lying or actually telling the truth.

Tiffany was now waiting for Ashton to come online on Skype. They had promised to both be there exactly at 7pm. and so far, Ashton was late for about 4 minutes already. As a try to be in a mood as good as possible, Tiffany was listening to some soft music coming from her IPod lying in the next room. And then, not even a minute later, a sound came from her laptop in front of her. He was calling. The sound kept ringing in Tiffany's ears as she was actually telling herself not to 'pick up'. She wasn't so sure anymore whether she really wanted to talk to Ashton or not. And as pathetic as she thought it must have looked, she was afraid. Because even though she'd only met Ashton a few months ago, and even though they had only been dating for a solid few weeks, she'd developed real feelings for the boy. Everytime he touched her, kissed her, smiled at her, she would get this weird - but great - feeling in her stomach which told her she loved him. And after all the shit that she'd been through in the past years, she believed that she deserved it. She deserved someone who truly cared about her, someone whom she felt save with.

''act normal. act normal. act normal.''

The sound stopped, and then started again. It did so another 2 times, until Tiffany finally picked up. A couple of noises came from the other side, and within seconds a happy boy appeared on her screen.

'Hey!' Ashton giggled, not completely focused on Tiffany because of whatever was happening on his side of the world. 'My cat keeps jumping on my bed in attempt to get my attention, sorry.'

'That's okay.' She softly smiled. It made her happy to see his face again, making her forget about the whole situation for a little while. As soon as Ashton had managed to not get his cat in the way, he asked Tiffany how she'd been, what's she'd been up to, how the weather had been. She told him she'd been good, she hadn't been up to much and that the weather had been cold, but also that she had met someone - who she didn't tell was Madison -

'How's your grandmother?' Tiffany asked after a solid ten minutes of talking and updating each other on things. Hearing the question, Ashton's face dropped, but a sad smile appeared on it. 'She's coming home tomorrow, but she's not getting better.

'What do you mean?'

'They don't think she'll live for another few months.' His voice got softer, going as quiet as a whisper.

'Ash, I'm so sorry.' Tiffany instantly felt really bad, because while she'd been worrying about Madison and cheating and relationships, they had told him that his grandmother was going to die.

It went silent, and Ashton had a frown on his face, showing that he was thinking. 'They told us she was going to be fine soon.' He said to more to himself than to Tiffany, which caused her to not completely hear what he was saying. 'They fucking lied.'

'What?' She asked quietly.

'They lied.'

They both sighed, but for other reasons. Because the reason why Tiffany was sighing, was really just because if she didn't, she would've said that doctors aren't the only people who lie.

She sighed again, because she knew she couldn't begin about Madison, not now, when he needed her to be there for him. There were more important things than her problem, and she acceped that, she had to.


aye, it's been years since I've updated on this story because I literally did not know how to go on and what I wanted with this story and my creativity has been nowhere to be found but I missed writing so I started again and I promise I will never let you guys wait for so long again I'm so sorry this was a filler again but the next few chapters will be better so I hope you're still interested in this story ok ily bye

Letters // Ashton Irwinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें