Chapter 2: By The Lake

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Chapter 2: By the Lake

"Even the best fall down sometime
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I

Harry's pov:

Ginny and I sat by the lake, as the hours passed we just talked there was nothing awkward between us. We would share small kisses, tease the other or laugh at each other's jokes. I liked having her with me, she was the only person who didn't like me because I was the boy who lived like any other girl in this school, she liked me because I was just Harry.

"Harry! How about our houses?! There is no way they would ..." I cut her off, "We'll have to act like we hate each other. I know it'll be hard, but we literally have no other choice! We'll have to insult each other, I am sorry..." It was her turn to cut me off by placing her lips on mine, "Harry as long as we know that it wasn't intentional, we'll be alright. I know you won't mean it, we'll have to get 'Mione and Ron into this." She says her hand caressing my jaw sweetly, "They already know, remember! And it was Hermione's idea, the whole act like we hate each other thing." Brilliant best friend we have!

She smiled, "But how will we going to keep our relationship a secret?" I pondered to myself, "We'll use code names! Can use prongslett?" She asked for the last part, "Ginny you are brilliant! And yes of course you can, I find it cute that you call me that." She blushed hiding her face in her hair, "But how about me?" She asked, "I'll use, fireclaw." I said hoping that she get the meaning and she did as a smile appeared on her face.

Time passed by and it was evening, the sun was setting and it was close to dinner. We stood up an dusted ourselves off. We walked to the entrance hall, I took in a deep breath.

"Its show time. Just remember I love you." I said to her as she kissed my cheek, "And same goes to you, Prongslett." With one last smile she entered the hall, that girl was honestly a dream. I entered the hall moments later and sat at the Slytherin table, they constantly asked me where I was to which I answered, "Around." They took the response and continued eating.

Through out the meal Ginny and I stole glances with each other, while no one was looking. I think Hermione noticed but chose not to say anything as she whispered something at Ron, he looked at Ginny and smiled with a little wink, I took as a "We know and we're happy for you" I saw her smile at them both as Hermione sent me one form their table. Later the evening I went to sleep dreaming about the red haired beauty.

Third Person pov:

Funny how fate gets into a persons life. Harry and Ginny may not realize it now but a special bond resides within them, it will only grow as time sets on for the two.

In the meantime here we are in this situation, their forbidden romance. I'll take a quote from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet...

"Two households, both alike in dignity,

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life"

And so here we are on this story, where two rival houses who's grudge has been on for centuries, both are noble in dignity but one is more respected then the other. Here enter our two lovers, who's souls are one in the same, hearts beat as one when they are together. They complete each other.

Fate has set this two on a journey to the lights of the forbidden rode, as I would like to put it the rode less traveled. How will they fight this feud between their houses?! They are not a lone in this journey their two best friends will help them get through it. But how... I can't say, all I can utter is a one simple sentence.

Love will always find a way to fight the darkest moments of our lives, it gives us the hope we need to keep on going, it gives us the dreams we wish to one day live through and most importantly it gives us the moments we treasure the most.

That is the end of the chapter two! I told you all the chapters were gonna be short. Tell me what you guys think about it *smiles*.

Song: Collide by Howie Day

Picture: Slytherin Table


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