Chapter 7: Our Winter Romance

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Chapter 7: Our Winter Romance

"It's the heart, afraid of breaking that never learns to dance

It's the dream, afraid of waking that never takes the chance

It's the one who won't be taken who cannot seem to give

And the soul, afraid of dying that never learns to live."

Harry's pov:

It was a cool October morning, the winter day slowly dawning on Hogsmade Village, I stood leaning by the old oak tree overlooking the Black Lake waiting for Ginny to meet me. The news of us dating spread like wild fire through Hogwarts, everyone was talking about it being forbidden and foolish, some of the Slytherin girls say that Ginny must have drugged me with love potion while as I've heard from Ron, that some of the Gryffindor boys have been saying use the Imperious curse on her. Those theories were completely bonkers!

"HARRY!" Yelled Ginny telepathically, I turned around and saw her running towards me, once she got close enough I swept her in my arms and twirled her off the ground making her giggle I smiled at how cite she was, "Well hello the princess." I greeted placing her down as she blushed, "Hey to you too sweetheart." She replied with a smile as she tiptoed and pecked my lips, "Shall we be off mi lady?" I said imitating on old English man, "Away we go!" And so we walked, soon we found ourselves going to Weasley's Wizard Weazzies visiting her twin brother, "Ah hello little sis, we heard about your ferret problem at School." Greeted George smiling at us, "Oh and thank you for saving her, yet again Harry. We're glad she picked you, none of the boys in that school deserve to be with darling sister." We laughed at Fred's remark, "Well if you must know I would have never said yes to any of them, Dean and his gang of heart beakers are like the players of Gryffindors! Ron busted his ass yesterday when he asked me out again." Replied Ginny chuckling at her brothers.

I smiled at them, "Draco got a dare from Goyle today, idiots dated him to ask Hermione out. I stuck a boot in their sorry asses, I told Draco if he took the dare Hermione's punches aren't the only ones that are coming to him, showed him the business end of my wand." I informed as they looked at me, "So did he take it?" Asked Fred curiously, "Nah, he chickened out sacred to be haxed to oblivion. I would turned him into a ferret again." A mischievous glint passed George's eyes, "I would have to feed him to a Hipogriff." He said in wistful thought, "'Fraid you can't do that big bro or else you'd be sent to Azcaban." Said Ginny jokingly patting her brother's shoulder in fake sympathy, "Its great to see you both really. Been awhile." Fred said with a laugh, "But we should let you guys resume with your date. You two have fun!" We exited the shop and went to the Three Broomsticks, I ordered two butter beers and head back to the table, I saw Dean trying to kiss Ginny, "Dean when will you get it into your egotistic head I don't fancy you!" I watched from a short distance knowing she can handle herself.

"Harry... please help me?" She pleaded through my mind and I walked to our table, "OI! Thomas off my girlfriend, or you'll be sorry." I threaten in a dark tone, "And what do you supposed you would do to me, Potter?" He taunts standing in front of me, "Oh, I have my ways Thomas, I'd love to call Ginny's brothers here... but I don't want to disturb them with this." I said raising a brow, "You are a wimp Potter! I could be better then him Ginivra, why not dump him?" That set me on edge as Ginny scowled when Dean called her by her real name, "Don't you dare call me that Thomas and for the record I don't date sad sack players like you. Harry's is a better man if I can even consider you to be a man, you are far from the man Harry is." He just scoffed at her reply, "Fine be that way then. I guess I can call you a skunk or better yet a..." I punched him square in the face, no one insults her like that! She had a pained expression in her eyes, "Potter is just sorry for you." I punched him again giving me a bloody nose Ginny had tears in her eyes by now, "He will never love you." That is it I took my wand out and pointed at him.

My voice was full of anger as I lifted him off the ground, "Don't you dare speak another word!" I said as I paced my wand on his chin, "Harry stop! This isn't you, this your anger talking and he's not worth it Harry." Ginny called I felt her hand on my shoulder, "But he..." I tried to reason but she soon wrapped her arms around my torso and started to kiss my neck, "You'll regret it Harry, he isn't worth it. And I love you more then anything." She whispered into my ear soothingly this made all the anger I felt as placed Dean down I looked at her, "That's my Harry. I love you no matter what he says, he can shove off your my everything Harry." She said tracing my cheek.

"You can shove off Thomas! Just be warned if you ever, and I mean ever say or do anything to hurt my sweet princess you'll answer to my wand got that." I threatened looking back at him, "She means everything to me I wouldn't do anything to hurt her Thomas. I love her more then anything in this world, it would kill me to see her in pain honestly if she died I would be nothing but a broken hearted man with half a soul." This was the whole truth Ginny had tears in her eyes as she smiled, "Lets take a walk shall we love?" I said giving her a kiss on the forehead, "I would love to." She said as we walked out of the pub walking to a near by square, "Did you mean everything you said back there?" She asked looking over the horizon, "Ginny I meant every word I said. You are my other half, there's no denying it any more. " I said wrapping my arms round her waist.

She turned around and pulled my jacket slamming our lips together, my arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer, her arms went around my neck hands playing with the tuft of hair on the back fingers tugging it making me groan, the snow started to fall adding to the thin sheet that was already on the ground, her lips tasted like strawberry with hint of citrus. We pulled away looking into each others eyes.

Snow was falling onto her red hair making it seem like silver dust, her smile taking my breath away, her beautiful face that seems to make my heart stutter beats, her laugh that sounds like pure music to my ears, the way she's so fierce and sassy. Everything about her was perfect.

"I love you princess." I said twirling her off the ground, "I love you too, my handsome prince." She replies giggling as I twirled her some more, I laughed at her childish actions as she pretended that she could fly, "Harry put me down people might be looking!" She exclaimed in between giggles, "But you're so adorable." I teased smirking, Que the blush but she had a smile on her face, "Smooth Potter. But really put me down." Damn her super adorable puppy dog eyes! I placed her down and kissed her once again as the sun was setting.

We walked back to the castle in peaceful silence.

How did you guys like this one? Aww, this otp is just too cute to let go! Their date almost ruined by the player, Thomas leave them be or else answer to my fists *smiles deviously*. Tell me what you think.

A special mention to my friend Isabel who is new on this site, hey there mate *grins*. For any of you who watch and love the series TEEN WOLF check out her fan fic, it's titled "SUPERNATURAL LOVE" it's a great book! Oh and follow her too, check out stydiaobrienxx.

Song: The Rose by Bette Midler

Picture: The Three Broomsticks


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