Epilogue: Love Find its Way

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Epilogue: Love Find its Way

"Take this sinking boat and point it home

We've still got time

Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice

You'll make it now"

Third Peron's pov:

We've finally reached the end of our tale. But lets make this ending worth reading shall we *smiles*. For it was a cold winter morning, snow has covered the grounds of Hogwarts the lake was completely frozen over the icy surface resembling a crystal. The students were either in Hogsmade enjoying a warm fire whiskey or a bubbly butter beer, or in the great hall enjoying the company of their housemates. It getting closer to the Christmas Holidays, they were all excited to spent some time with their families and the people they loved. Our star-crossed lovers have packed their belongings ready to leave for the next day, lets see what happens right now.

Harry was quietly walking around Hogsmade looking for the perfect Christmas gifts, of course the most special one being for his girlfriend, he walked into a jewelry story and scanned for something worth buying. He searched every case filled with all sorts of jewelry, until he found what he was looking for. It was a gold chain with a scarlet rose in the middle, he had asked the jeweler to engrave her name in fancy script, he pained and left the shop tucking the wrapped box into his robe. He had already gotten the rest of the gifts, and asked Dobby to bring them to his room, which the elf had been so willing to do.

While the spunky red haired girl had been walking through the halls of the school, she had been having the time of her life and it wasn't even Christmas yet! Ginny found herself in the astronomy tower, thinking as the snow fell over her shiny red hair, a dreamy smile fell upon her face as she thought about him. His Emerald eyes and smile that mead her knees weak, his strong arms that made her feel safe and wanted, his lips that made her mind go blank and his words that made her heart melt. How she would want him to be with her at this very moment looking out to the freshly fallen snow, laughing freely at the jokes and fun memories they'd share, share a kiss or two or maybe even a very delightful snog, have his arms around her for a warm snuggle or maybe fly over the grounds.

"You know I am always here with you, no matter how far we might be." A slight whisper come from behind her, "Harry?" Ginny sent telepathically, "Hello love." He replied in seconds. She felt those strong arms wrap around her waist, "Is that you?" She gasped sensing the smell of his velvet aftershave and a little bit of trickle, "Yes love, its me. How are you?" Harry whispers swaying them slowly, "I am good, thanks for asking." She replied softly not turning around just yet, "Where were you?" She asked curiosity, "I was in Hogmade buying some Christmas gifts." He answered looking our the horizon. She turned around and sung her arms around his neck looking into his soft green eyes, "Um, that's good being prepared as always." She says smiling, "It is Christmas, I didn't wanna shop within the rush." He tells her gluing their foreheads together.

The smell of strawberries and Vanilla intoxicating the black haired boy, the kiss deepened it was full of passion and desire. Ginny's hands went to the back of his neck playing with the tuft of black mess on it he groaned as she pulled the long locks, she pushed him on the couch behind them her body on top of his, his arms tightened on her waists. His lips moved to her neck trailing sweet kisses as she sighed in content, she loved the sensation the kisses brought to her skin, it was electrifying.

"You are so so so beautiful." Harry whispered huskily making her moan at how hot that sounded, "You know mister Potter, you are the handsomest man I've ever met. Kiss me." She said seductively licking her lips, "Well then..." He trailed off connecting their lips once again. She slipped off his cloak and undid his tie, maybe even unbuttoned his shirt just a little bit as he did the same to her blouse her hair fell over her shoulder, he slid his finger from the top of her head taking the lock of hair and putting it behind her ear. They continued to snog until their breathing hitched and they had to part.

Ginny stared at Harry's appearance taking in his disheveled hair, dark emerald eyes full of desire, his daring smirk and this defined abs. Harry was doing the same eyes looking at her red lips, her devilish yet soft brown eyes, hand sliding over her red hair, the other hand roaming her slender curves. They soon laid the enjoying each others company, her head on his chest while his arms were around her waist, he would kiss her neck tucking the stands of hair covering the area behind her ear. They would talk about the holidays and anything interesting, share a kiss or two just kisses no snogging.

"I love you." Said Ginny looking into his eyes, "And I love you." Said Harry his voice soft abut full of emotion.

These two were one in the same, two souls destined to meet, two hearts fated to fall slowly with matching beats. There was no way they'd ever let go of the other, they will fight for the happiness of this dark world, there is no denying their unbreakable connection. How love makes you so lucky at times when you need and want it most.

For our two love birds they're love goes through leaps and bounds, with danger and death as their enemy, a world of war they live in with times of darkness. Yet they've found love in the darkness, they've found hope in times of disrepair, and they held each other in a tight embrace never letting go. The sunset's as the stars appear, constellations shining bright but one shines brighter then the others. A constellation in the shape a dog, rose watching over them, gracing the two lovers with its might.

"Oh, love will make a dog howl in rhyme."

This constellation was sat howling to the moon, Sirius's star was sat upon its nose shining so bright you might have thought it was light from a near by house. Love always finds its way to light up the world in times of hate and tragedy, as for Harry and Ginny fate as destined them to face the odds not fearing for what comes up next.


Hope you guys enjoyed this fan fic. Tell me what you think through the comment section provided. I had fun writing this forbidden romance for you guys, it was a great ride for me! Thank you for all of your support and encouragement, it really means a lot guys.

I'll be writing and update for "THE RETURN" and posting it soon, you guys have been waiting for that book to continue. And there is "RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW" my other Hinny fan fiction that is also close to its end, so wait u for those updates too! See ya soon people!

Song: Falling Slowly by Glen Hansred

Picture: The Canis Major(or Sirius)


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