Chapter 3: Forbidden Love

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Chapter 3: Forbidden Love

"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes"

Weeks later}

Ginny's Pov:

The two weeks with Harry had been the best two weeks I've ever had! Who knew he could such a sweet romantic?! I was so lost in thought that I hadn't noticed that I stumbled into someones arms, I looked up and met those green eyes. I heard Ron and Hermione stifle their laughter from behind, while Draco and Pansy were behind Harry wearing devious smirks on their faces.

"Oh look if isn't little Weaslett." Malfoy taunts laughing deviously, "Are you falling for me Wealey?" Harry teases as I stood up from his strong arms, "Ha! In your dreams Potter, the only girl falling for you is Moaning Myertal. I wear your big head is making you get these delusions that I am falling." Hermione lost her composer and laughed, "Good one Weasley, you put on a good fight." Harry raised his brow clearly amused with my remark, "Surely I can't fall for you either..." He lets out a huff but then puts on his smirk again, "Why would he fall for you anyways Weaslett? I mean what would he seen in you?" Said Parkinson.

Ron growled, "Watch that bloody mouth of yours Parkinson, or those would be your last words. What are you smirking at Potter?" Harry chuckled at this, "Is it a crime to smirk Weasley? I am just amused your sister just so happened to trip and fall into my arms, you can't believe it was a coincidence now can you." I had to hold in my laugh at his cocky reply, "I think you should get a detention for that smirk of yours Potter. Or maybe get sentenced for having a big ego, it can't be legal to have that much." Hermione replies throwing him a wink. Then Harry shrugged, "Why are we even here right now? I mean really Weasley I am way out of your sister's league, I think I'd rather fall for Romilda Vane." This made me mad not because of what he said, it was because I was tired of doing this.

"Oh well then if you can't even stand the sight of me. Then why are you still here?!" I said annoyed, "I was just going. See you looser!" He replied walking to the opposite direction, he turned back and gave us a wink I had to smile.

Ron, Hermione and I had a laugh I can't believe Malfoy's crew believed that! How thick can they be?! I am surpirsed they made it to sixth year, I mean really. After Ron and 'Mione had dropped me to class I sat with Luna, I took out my charms book. I saw a piece of parchment tucked into it. I took it our and opened it a smile spread across my face.

"Hey Fireclaw,

I was wondering if you could meet me in the Astronomy tower after classes, I have a surprise for you.

Yours truly,

Aww he is so sweet! I wonder what surprise he has for me, I can't wait for later. Class was interesting today, we learned about the partonus charm! Professor Flitwick gave us a two page essay to do, then I started off to History of Magic which was boring as usual this class is just ugh. After that it was lunch Hermione and Ron were already there, we talked about out classes they told me of how Harry defended Nevill in DADA that made me smile.

The day wore on I bumped into Prakinson a couple of times, we just snared at each other the usual insults were thrown. Harry was there from time to time just looking at me with something flashing in his eyes, mostly it amusement. He would hold my arm for a second and stare into my arms, I would get the message and send him a small smile every time he did so.

I can't wait for the day to end!

{later that day}

I told Hermione and Ron that I'd be meeting Harry in the Astronomy tower, they said it was okay and 'Mione being 'Mione reminded me not to not miss dinner. Once I arrived in the Astronomy tower I looked for Harry, but then just decided to wait for him looking out into the sky. I felt arms wrapped around my waist and light kiss on my neck.

"Hello there beautiful." Harry greeted in a whispered as he continued kiss in my neck, "Hey Harry." I greet back with a sigh as I turned in his arms and kissed him properly, "Nice work this morning." He said once we pulled away, "You really did act like an ass you know." I giggled remembering his cocky attitude, "Yeah speaking of... I am sorry about what I said back there, I must have really been a..." I kissed him before he could rambled on, "Harry its okay, like I said before as long as I know it isn't real I'll be fine. Besides they didn't suspect a thing." He smiled, "They are the thickest people in this world, I mean all those time I bumped into you today, staring into you eyes or holding onto your arm. They didn't take a single notice that something was up." He I had to agree with him, "Well they aren't the brightest people. What did you want to show me?" I asked as we stood on the balcony, "I was wondering if we could fly for a while." He said grinning pointing at his broom, "I would love too!" I exclaimed hugging him.

He rode on his broom, his feet still on ground lever had he helps me on it, son enough we were zooming around the sky. I felt as if I was on top of the world when I was with Harry, he was different from the other guys I've met from this school. Dean kept asking me out and I always said No, he can't take a hint I don't like him. Plus I've got Harry now.

We landed near the lake and it was already sunset, we landed and he helped off like the gentle man he was, "Thank you for that Harry, it was nice to fly out for a while." I said with a soft smile, "Your welcome love." He replied placing his arms on me emerald eyes staring at my brown ones. I pulled his head down and crashed my lips on his, it felt like heaven his slip that always tasted like pumpkin juice and chocolate. His arms tightened around my waist as mine hung around his neck, he licked my bottom lip and I granted him access, sparks flew everywhere as our tongues danced one of my hands reached for his jaw tracing the defined lines.

"I love you." He said through the kiss as he moved his lips to my neck, "I love you too." I sighed happily, I brought his head back up and connected our lips once more, my hands messing up his hair then we pulled away, our breathing was hitched. I caressed his cheek softly as he stared to me an adorable smile on his lips, "We better go its getting late." He said pulling me to the entrance hall, "Thanks again Hazza, this was the best day of my life!" I said kissed his cheek, "Your welcome love. I'd do anything for you, even save your life again if I had too." He said with a smile, "The chamber, my first year I would never forget that day." I said as I sent him a quick grin and headed in the great hall.

Hermione soon asked me about Harry and I told her and my brother about out little date, Ron let out a smile he thought is was nice of him to do that, while Hermione was cooing about how sweet it was. Dinner was great as always, I could feel eyes staring at me I looked across the hall and saw Harry smile into is goblet, I shook my head at him smiling at his cute actions. Looks like this forbidden love story was working out for both of us.

Well looks like out two star-crossed lovers are doing it right, listening to thier hearts and keeping it together. Hinny our forever OTP! This is the third chapter guys tell me what you think.

Song: Love Story by Taylor Swift

Picture: Harry's Firebolt


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