Chapter 4: Secret Rendezvous

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Chapter 4: Secret Renavouz

"Secret love, all the things we do,
For secret love, baby me and you,
Got a secret love.
Stayin' under cover and out of sight,
If nobody knows, then we're doin' it right.
Secret love.
We got a secret love."

Third Perons's pov:

And so continues our tale, these two star-crossed lovers have been keeping their own little secret for over a month now, with only their two closest friends knowing the pure truth. They've been meeting in the room of requirement, abandoned classrooms, or broom cupboards sharing a kiss or a snog. They would talk when they took long hours in their secret hideouts, though Ron and Hermione would join the two in the room of requirements doing homework or just catching up on the events of that day.

It was a cool Saturday morning, everyone was either in Hogsmade, in the school library or in the Great Hall. Ginny was walking the halls of the school when someones strong arms had grabbed her and dragged her in a abandoned classrooms. The red haired girl looked to see those sparkling green eyes, she smiled at her hansom boyfriend.

"Well good morning Hazza." She greeted with a cheery tone, "Good Morning Gin." He greeted back putting his arms around her waist, "What did you bring me here for? Or did you just miss me too much?" She teased tugging on his leather jacket, "Well I missed you and wanted to see how you were doing." He replied leaning his head down, "I am fine thank you. Anything else you'd want to..." She crashed her lips to his, his arms instinctively went around her waist while one of her hands went to his hair her fingers going through the black locks she craved to touch, his arms slowly moved up her back. Their tongues collide and everything was perfect.

Ginny right hand cupped his jaw her thumb sweetly caressing it as they snogged some more, Harry's glasses were slipping out of his nose while her other hand made a trial from his forehead to his cheek then stopped at his jaw both hands soon held his neck as he pulled away and trailed kisses on her neck as she moaned. She got her hands on his jacket and pulled it off throwing it on a chair as he pushed her to the door, "I love you Harry James Potter." She declared sighing happily, "And I love you Ginivra Molly Weasley." He replied in a husky voice, "Your so hot right now." She said with a moan as he nibbled on her weak spot, "And you are beautiful as you always are." He whispered. She pulled his face up and connected their lips together, her hands messing with his hair while his were roaming her curvy body that he apparently craved to touch. They finally pulled away foreheads touching, breaths hitched and eyes lit with passion and love.

"You know your the best thing that ever happened to me. When ever I am with you it feels like I am whole, like I've found that one thing that could complete me. I've always thought that I'd ever get to know what love really is, but when I met you that thought changed, every time I look at you my heart skips numerous beats and my mind goes blank. When I picture my future I see you in it, you and I together and nothing else could make me happier then that." Harry admits his hands holding her cheeks thumbs caressing the soft skin, "I feel the same way about you Harry, I've dreamed of being with you since I was ten. Then when you saved me in my first year I never stopped loving you, you are the only one for me and that's that. Do you have that feeling that we have this special connection somehow, almost like we can read each others mind?" She said her last sentence a question, "Now that you say it, yeah I do its like I can feel where you are and somehow read your thoughts. And it feels almost empty and dark whenever your not with me." He says and her eyes widened, "That's how I feel too! This is strange, but I don't care really I mean it just says fate really put us in the situation." Harry smiled at her.

They shared a sweet kiss then pulled away, "He is so hot right now." Harry smirked at her and she blushed hitting his shoulder, "If its worth something, I think your beautiful you always are." He thought smiling sweetly at her, "Why thank you handsome. And its good to know we can communicate telepathically." She said with a grin skimming her hands over his shirt.

They sat in the classroom talking, sharing a few kisses and talking about homework. Ginny had asked Harry about transfiuring furniture into animals and well he offered to help her, of course. As the day passed it was late afternoon by the time they've decided to go back to their common rooms.

"You know what I guess I never rally thought I'd find my true love, I've always talked about it with my friends but I would have my doubts in my mind." She said as they walked in the empty corridor, Well how do I put this. True love is like a ghost, which everyone talks about and few have seen. I guess that love can be spoken about, but true love can't always be found." Harry said and she smiled, "Your right. And I love you." She says.

From here we can see the bond working its way through our two lovers, they are closer then ever. Looks like love really is some kind of magic.

"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye."

Indeed love simply isn't spotted by the eyes of a person, but it seen and felt by ones heart. True love is not about what you think you feel for that certain person, it is about the passion you have to make that person mean more to you then any other person in your life.

Well that was a nice way to end this chapter. Those two quotes up above were written by; Francois de La Rochefoucauld and H. Jackson Brown, Jr. At, very insightful words on this sight.

Song: Secret Love by Hunter Hayes

Picture: Abandoned Classroom


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