Chapter 18.

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"Ashton Holmes, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish till death do you apart?"

"I do."

"Maisie Morgan, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish till death do you apart?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

So yes me and Ashton got married, not years later, when I'm cancer free, and wanting to start a family right away,bbut when I actually started to get worst.
It was two months into college, when I started getting dizzy all the time and fainting, sometimes I fainted during classes, sometimes in the hallways, and it got to the part where I couldn't be left alone. So I moved back home, and we got a house nurse watch over me all day, instead of staying in the hospital.

A month after that, Ashton took me out to dinner, and then took me to the same beach where we first kissed in the beginning, the times when I used to drive him crazy, I still do though, not even cancer can stop me from driving him crazy.
So at the beach he proposed to me and i said yes.
He said he wanted me to have a wedding, to have that experience, he wanted my parents, and his to witness our wedding, and all our friends as well. He said he wanted to see me in a wedding dress, and watch me walk down the aisle towards him from the church door in that dress.

It wasn't a big wedding, it didn't take much time planning it, we wanted to do it fast, before I got any sicker, and after we got married, we still were very careful to not end up pregnant, because as much as I wanted to have a baby, I knew I couldn't, because my time to go was near and I didn't want to leave my child motherless. And Ashton knew that, and understood that.

So to put it into summary it was a small wedding with our closest family and friends. Of course Grace and Darren were the maid of honor and best man, Brea was the little flower girl, and the rest were our closest relatives and some friends from back in high school and some new ones we made in college. I was surprised to even see Bianca there, with a new guy who she seemed crazy about, given the fact that she was kissing him every five seconds. But I guess she was changed and into the better, she congratulated us and wished us a happy life together.

It was really a night to remember.

For our honeymoon we went to Greece for two weeks and after that we moved into our new apartment. It was a small, cozy studio apartment, that I adored. It was close to campus, and our parent's house.
My house nurse stayed with me whenever Ashton had class or work, but when he came back home, he took care of me.

And that year after Christmas and New Years, which was also a few months after our wedding, on February 25th, I passed away.

I wish I could I could say I miraculously healed and lived a long happy life with my loved ones, and had kids with Ashton and celebrated anniversaries, but I didn't.
I celebrated a one month anniversary, a two month anniversary, I'm glad I even got to celebrate Valentine's day as a married woman, a wife, with my husband, but further than that I wasn't going to make it.

I don't regret the life I lived, I wouldn't have had it any other way, I didn't scream or yell and demand to go back to life when my time was up. Instead I looked back at my wonderful life and thanked God for giving me everyone I had.

If I hadn't gotten sick, I would've never been with Ashton, and that would've never resulted in Grace getting together with Darren, I not only found the love of my life, but also I was the reason my best friend found hers.
If I hadn't gone sick, I would still be the girl who drowned herself in schoolwork, while wasting her life away trying to get into a good college, I would've never found the love of my life, so I guess something good does come out of everything, even bad things, even from fucking cancer.

So it just happened, one night I went to sleep, wrapped up in Ashton's arms, and the next morning when I woke up I was standing next to my lifeless body while my husband was crying over it.

Then the ambulance came, took me to the hospital, where Grace, Darren, my parents and Ashton's parents were all gathered at, and my doctor slowly broke the news to them. Even though they knew it was gonna happen, it still came to them like a wrecking ball. But hey, I lived longer than a year right? So who's laughing now cancer? I beat you at something!

Now I guess you wanna hear what happened after that, my funeral was like any other, but the memorial was very sweet. It made me cry, I didn't even know ghosts could cry. I mean I didn't know if I was a ghost or a spirit or a soul or whatever. I guess even in afterlife there's really no explanation for that sort of stuff.
Ashton read something he had written about us, our lives together, and Grace sang an acoustic version of our song. "Wannabe" by the spice girls. That was our song together.

The small reception at my parent's house after that were for people to pay their respects to my parents. They said all sorts of nice things about me, some were true, some I found total crap. But everyone was very sweet at the end, if I was there, I would've thanked them. I mean I was there, but in like a ghostly way.

So this is my story, I hope you learned something out of it, because the point of me telling you was to let you know that everything happens for a reason, and also, always live your life day by day, you never know what might happen, you never know when you'll stop breathing, if want something do it! If you want to go somewhere, go! Eat that cheeseburger, never say tomorrow! Tell that cute guy in your class you like him, don't wait until he gets asked out by someone else. Be reckless, be brave, be wild, be free, do what you want, when you want.

Don't stop living before you die.
Because when you're on your deathbed someday, you'll realize that, that one stupid little thing that you didn't do, could've made a huge difference in your life.
Don't live the life people expect you to, because half of those people are the ones who have lived their lives as other people expected them to.

Morgan out.


A/N : Hey guys, so sorry I haven't been updating for a while, I was really sick, so this is the last chapter of Maisie's POV, don't worry there's still one extra chapter left, from someone else's POV. Hope you liked it and enjoyed it. Vote, Comment and Follow. Love y'all ❤

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