When I Come Back

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This is Part 2 to Before I Leave.

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This is not what Lukas had planned for himself. Like, at all.

He planned to visit his parents, stay a week maybe, then leave, never to return. For five years, at least.

Yet, here he was, sitting on a park bench waiting for a guy he dated years ago who he definitely did not like. His heart definitely was not about to beat out of his chest, and he didn't care about whatever news Mathias thought was so important that they had to meet in private.

Except for the fact that he knew none of that was true, and denying the truth was not going to help him at all. But, honestly, he really didn't care at this point. If denying everything stopped his nerves from freaking out, then he would deny the fact that he had ever been in this town before.

The only problem was the fact that it wan't helping calm his nerves anymore. Taking a deep breath, sighing it out, he thought back on the restaurant incident.

Mathias eyes had widened when he realized who he was standing in front of. He had gasped, before putting on an even wider smile than before.

"Hey, Lukas! How have you been? I haven't seen you in years. Well, I mean, I suppose that's an obvious, you did move away, but still. You get what I'm saying."

"Yes, Mathias, I do." He spoke as he always had to Mathias, kind, but blunt. Mathias had always said that was his favorite thing about the other boy.

"Yeah," Mathias let out a laugh, one of the one's that had always made Lukas' heart race. Apparently that was one thing that hadn't changed. "So what have you been up to? Graduated? Get a job?"

Lukas had grimaced at that last suggestion. He had recently been fired in favor of his bosses own kid.

"No job, though I did graduate. I'm just here visiting my parents for a week."

A week, huh? Say," Mathias had suddenly looked a little nervous, "would you mind if we met up sometime in that week? I kind of wanted to talk to you about something."

Lukas had nodded, saying an almost silent, "Yes," before Mathias had taken their orders and left. Later that night he left his number on a napkin for Lukas to call.

He now regretted calling and setting up a meeting with the other male. What if Mathias had to tell him something really bad? What if something had happened, or he was dating someone, or worse, engaged? Lukas knew he was't married, there wasn't a ring on his finger, and Lukas wasn't going to deny how relieved he felt when he checked.

Still, what if Mathias was going to tell him he found someone else? Lukas couldn't deny that he deserved it if that's what was going to happen. He had been the one to suggest they see other people.

A loud voice shoved his thoughts from his mind.

"Lukas! Hey, Lukas!"

He new that voice. He kind of missed it, actually. He looked up to see Mathias, red faced and out of breath from running, waving his hand's energetically.

"Hello, Mathias. How are you?" Lukas asked once the other was within speaking distance.

"'Oh, I'm good! How are you?" Mathias' voice was loud, as it always was, but Lukas had always found it conferring, when it wasn't causing him a headache, at least.

"I'm good. So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Mathias' fave dropped a bit, looking nervous. He sat himself on the bench next to Lukas.

"So, I dunno any way to say this than to blunt, so here it is.

"Lukas, I've done what you asked me. I've tried to date people, I've tried to fall in love in different ways, and maybe I have. I don't know know. It's hard to tell when all I can think about is you. I'm still completely in love with you, and I don't image I ever won't be.

"I realize that you probably have moved on to someone else, someone who is a lot better than me, and I'm not going to sit here and try and convince you I'm better, or that were meant to be, even thought that's probably true-" Lukas let out a snort at that, before the other boy continued "-because I know that if you're with them than you've moved on, but I just.."

Mathias trailed off, looking at the ground.

"You're wrong, you know." Mathias looked up, waiting for Lukas to continue. "I'm not dating anyone. I haven't in years. I mean, I did try, but honestly, I'm in the same boat as you on this one. I'm not as poetic as you, so I'm not going to give you some cheesy love declaration, but I think you get the gist of what I'm trying to say."

"Um.." Mathias looked unsure of himself, before looking at the ground again, this time in concentration.

"The gist is that I'm in love with you, though this is one of the moments I wonder why."

"Oh, good," Mathias sighed, "I thought that was what you were saying, but I didn't want to assume. I mean, what if I did, and I was wrong? That would be embarrassing for me and awkward for both of us." Mathias nodded to himself in assurance.

"Well, how considerate of you, Mathias, to think of how both us would feel," Lukas rolled his eyes.

Mathias laughed, grin wide. "Of course I would think of you. Didn't I tell you? I always do."

Lukas laughed with Mathias this time. after a moment of silence between the two, Lukas started to speak.

"I thought you had moved on." After a confused look from the other blonde, he continued. "I thought that's what you wanted to talk to me about. How you moved on and found someone else and wanted to tell me, just out of consideration. That's something you would do. I thought that I had scared you off all of those years ago."

Mathias chuckled quietly, before pulling the other to his chest. "You know, it's going to take more than that to scare me away from you," he whispered into Lukas ear, and Lukas decided that being here, like this, was the perfect place.


A/N This was actually really fun to write, although I wan't planning a part two. Thank's to all of those who asked for one, it really made my day seeing those comments.

Quick question, would any of you be interested in a Bokuaka (Haikyuu!!) multi chapter fic, because I have an idea I wanna write if people are interested.

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