A Thousand Reasons Why

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Following around Mathias while on their shopping trip was never Lukas' ideas of a good time. Mathias was excitable and heartfelt, normally a good companion ti Lukas' blank and uncaring exterior, but not while shopping. Lukas really hated to shop with Mathias and would normally avoid it at all costs, but this time Tino had insisted they all come.

Probably because he knew about Lukas' crush on their mutual friend, Mathias, as did Tino's boyfriend and fourth companion on the trip, Berwald. Tino also knew Mathias and Lukas hadn't done anything together outside of school sense the last time Tino had forced them to.

But the fact still remained that Lukas hated shopping with Mathias 'let's-buy-every-single-thing-in-the-store-because-I-love-it' Køhler.

The biggest problem wasn't the fact that Mathias wanted to buy everything, though. It was the fact that Mathias loved shopping and felt the need to show him everything in the store like he was a little kid.

"Lukas! Lukas! Look at this! It's a pen with a fan!" Lukas agreed with Mathias that it was cool,and if not for the fact that Mathias had done this with god knows how many things, and Lukas had had enough.

"Mathias, shut up! I don't care about a tenth of the things you've shown me!" Lukas snapped, glaring and knocking the pen from the others hand.

Mathias stayed silent for a moment. eyes wide in shock, before he looked down, blinking furiously. "Sorry. Just got a little bit too excited, I guess. I won't bother you anymore," Mathias murmured, turning and walking to Berwald who was looking at some shirts.

Lukas knew it was coming before Tino even opened his mouth.

"What is wrong with you?" Lukas sighed, and Tino's glare darkened. "No. Don't act annoyed with me or bothered. Tell me what the heck is wrong with you. Mathias was trying to cheer you up and show you things he thought you would enjoy, and you exploded on him."

"I don't like shopping, Tino. I told you that when you invited me."

"Yeah, you don't, but you wanna know who else knows that?" Tino let himself trail off, giving Lukas time to answer.


"Yes. Mathias. He knows you don't like shopping and so he tied to cheer you up."

"You're right. But what am I supposed to do about it now?"

"Maybe swallow your pride and apologize?"

Although he knew Tino was right, there was nothing he hated more than swallowing his pride. "And why should I do that?"

"Lukas, there are a thousand reasons why."

Lukas apologized, and later him and Mathias got ice cream.

/  /

One year later, Lukas was incredibly frustrated. It was his senior year, and prom was coming up. This would be his last chance to ask Mathias to a dance as more than friends before graduation.

The only problem was he was too embarrassed.

Mathias had always been popular, so it was no surprise that tons of boys and girls had asked him out, although he hadn't said yes to any.

"Ugh," he moaned as he flopped onto his brothers bed.

'Yes, Lukas?" Emil asked, turning away from the computer at his desk.

"I'm so confused."

"About?" Emil was hesitant. He was never good with emotional support, and this was starting to feel like an emotional support conversation.

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