With Flowers

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It was a normal day at the shop. People would come it and buy some flowers, every once in a while asking for some help, but it was never too busy. It was calm and quiet, the air felt smooth and Lukas was content sitting on his stool behind the counter, reading a book and listening to the soft music he had playing in the background.

What was not normal was the blonde man shoving the door open, panting and red faced. Lukas stood up abruptly, before the man looked up, eyes locking on him.

"How do you say 'screw you' with flowers?"

Lukas wished he could say he was taken aback by the question, but one look at the man, and he could tell it wasn't going to be something good. The man took Lukas' silence an invitation to continue.

"See, I was supposed to go on a double date with my best friend, his boyfriend, and I would be with this really cute girl from my collage, but turns out she has a boyfriend already, so I need some flowers to tell her to screw herself, like, really quick here, or I'll be late for my date."

Lukas shook his head. "Unless she's allergic to something, there's no way to say that."

"Good news, she's allergic to hydrangeas. Her boy friend told me so. Not that badly, don't worry. So do you have any hydrangeas?" The male looked far too excited by this new development as Lukas nodded, gesturing to a small bouquet. "Oh, good. I'm sure this will be enough," the man said, shoving a fifty on the counter and grabbing the bouquet. Before Lukas could argue that it was way too much, the man was out the door, rushing off.

Lukas looked between the money and the door for a moment before shrugging and putting the money in the cash register, going back to reading his book and listening to his music.

/  /

It was another week before he saw the man again. He almost didn't recognize him this time without the red face and messy hair. He only realized it was him by his voice, it was just as loud as before.

"Hey, can you help me here for a second? I have a friend who is doing a piano recital today, do you have any bouquets I could give him?"

Lukas nodded, walking around the counter, gesturing for the man to follow him. They passed a few shelves before Lukas stopped in front of a section marked 'Good Job & Congrats'.

"Any of these look good?"

The man nodded, looking through all of them, before seeing one that caught his eye. "Ah, this one looks perfect."

Lukas nodded, grabbing it and taking it back to the counter to wrap properly. Announcing the price, the man looked a little sheepish.

"Do you take checks? I don't have enough cash."

"We do," Lukas nodded in confirmation, the man sighing in relief at his words.

"Alright, thanks. One sec." The man got out his check book, filling out one before tearing it off and handing it to the other man. "Here you go. Thank you."

Lukas nodded as the man took his bouquet, leaving the store. he looked down at the name on the check.

"Mathias Køhler," Lukas whispered to himself, "Nice enough, I suppose."

/  /

A month later and Lukas had almost no memory of the man. That was, until the day he moved into his new apartment. He had been moving boxes up the stairs because the apartment complex had no elevators, when he missed a step and almost fell backwards. He cursed before feeling someone catch him and the boxes.

"Whoa, are you alright?" a familiar voice asked. Lukas was quick to steady himself. Lukas turned around, coming face to face with the man who had barged into his flower shop.

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