Author Note

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It's been a lot of fun writing these one shots, but I think I'm going to end the book here. As I already explained, I really only meant to write 30 one shots in this book, and I've reached that goal.

I will still be writing DenNor, just not here. I have a book I'm writing called Nordic Chat, and that's mainly focused around DenNor, so if you want to continue reading anything DenNor by me I would suggest there.

I will also be starting a Victuuri (Yuri!! On Ice) one shot book, so if you're interested in that I'll be posting the first one shot soon.

I will still be writing DenNor one shots as well, but they will only be on ao3, and they will be further apart.

I really appreciate all the support I've gotten throughout this book, so thank you!

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