Kings of the World

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It had always been hard to open up to people for Lukas. People would compare him to an onion, something you would peel one layer at a time, but Mathias would go at it with a knife. The first time they met, Lukas had talked to him for over an hour about random things, something Lukas hated doing. With Mathias it came so naturally to open up, to say when he was mad, when he needed to cry, or when he was excited over something.

Not that it would matter if he didn't open up, Mathias had always been able to tell without Lukas outright saying anything, something Lukas had always appreciated.

Mathias could always tell when he was nervous, and whenever he was, he would take his hand. It always calmed Lukas down to be touching Mathias in some way. Mathias was his anchor, his concrete foundation. The one thing he knew he could rely on no matter what or when.

Mathias also seemed to give the best advice. If Lukas ever had a problem, Mathias would magically come up with a solution. If only Mathias took his own advice, they probably could get rid of half of their problems.

Not that Lukas really minded, though. They weren't necessarily problems, more of things to keep Lukas on his toes, something they could have a laugh over the next day. Another constant in his life.

Mathias could always make him laugh. That was an accomplishment the man actually prided himself on. It wasn't always easy, especially when he had a bad day, or some idiot had decided to speak on something they were uneducated in. Mathias could always make him laugh over something, no matter how lame or stupid.

He was also so patient. Lukas knew he could come off rude or harsh, but that never drove Mathias away. He would always talk through whatever was causing Lukas to act the way he was.

Not that Mathias was perfect, half the time he was the said idiot who had decided to speak on something they were uneducated in. But honestly, Lukas wouldn't change him, because while he wasn't perfect, Lukas was positive there was no more perfect person for him. If soulmates were a thing, then Mathias was with out a doubt his.

Even with all of this assurance, though, it was still hard for Lukas to go through with his plan.

Mathias already knew they were going to a drive thru theater to watch an old favorite movie of his, Singing in the Rain. Lukas had also really enjoyed it, so it wasn't as though it would be some kind of burden on either of them.

What Mathias didn't know was their private tour of the aquarium Lukas had gotten them courtesy of an old friend who owned the place, the part of the date Lukas knew he would enjoy the most. He also didn't know about the ring that felt far too heavy in Lukas' coat pocket.

But Lukas tried not to think about that last part, he was not going to scare himself out of one of the greatest moment of his life.

The good part about going to see one one Mathias' favorite movies was the fact that Mathias was going on about how amazing the movie was as soon as he had gotten in the car.

"My favorite part is probably the song, you know the one I'm talking about, where he's like, 'Make them laugh, make them laugh,' Mathias was swaying from side to side as he sang the few short line, making Lukas smile.

"That is a good part. I like the 'Moses supposes,' part the best," Lukas input, casing Mathias to laugh.

"I know you do! You always get super excited and start jumping up and down, and it's really cute. I think that would have to be my second favorite part. You being so excited and cute, and I love it. It makes me really happy that you like that move," Mathias' words were  heartfelt, as they always were. Sometimes it make Lukas nervous how open Mathias was with people.

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