Wait Until I Wake Up

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 Alright, so I'm not sure if I've used inappropriate language in this book before, but this chapter has some, in case I haven't.


Lukas really didn't want to deal with this right now. It was three in the morning, and his phone would not stop ringing. I'll just ignore it. If I ignore it, it will go away.

Lukas then screeched as Emil busted into his room, a blanket cloaking him. "Lukas, answer the damn phone. I can hear it from my room, and if it keeps me up for any longer, I will chuck it out of a window."

"Alright, alright. Give me a second."

Emil muttered to himself as he left the room, shutting the door behind him. Lukas then sighed, grabbing his phone from its charging spot on the pillow next to his head. He squinted at the screen reading the unknown number that had been calling him for what seemed like hours. "Who the fuck?" he grumbled to himself, before answering the phone with a snappy, "What?"

"Oh, Lukas! Thank god you answered! I was worried you might be asleep by now!"

Fucking Mathias Kohler. Another reason Lukas wished they weren't soulmates, something the other male hadn't seemed to realize yet.

"I was sleeping. Luckily for you some obnoxious person wouldn't stop calling me so now I'm awake."

"Oh, that is lucky!"

Lukas let out a loud groan, shaking his head. "How did you even get my number?"

Mathias laughed, and Lukas could imagine the smile he probably had on his face. "I called Tino before I called you. He was rather willing to do anything to go back to sleep. I actually feel kind of bad. But I needed to reach you! This is an emergency."

Okay, that was cute. Almost cute enough to make Lukas forgive him. But not quite. he was still an asshole who woke him up at three in the morning. "So what's the emergency?"

"I think I figured out who my soulmate is. It's you, isn't it?"

"Took you long enough. So, what do you want to do about it?"

"Well..." and damn, if that wasn't adorable. Lukas could hear his blush through the phone. "I was thinking we could go get coffee? I know you like coffee, so..."

He noticed I like coffee. How much cuter could you be?

"Sure, what time?"

"Oh, well, I was actually thinking, um... now?"

"What? What do you mean now? It's three in the morning. I want to go back to bed."

"Well, yeah, but I figured that we're soulmates, so..."

"So you can interrupt my sleep? No. Not a chance. Lesson one about Lukas. I like my sleep and will not be deny ed it over anything."

"Yes, but we've known we're soulmates for a week and haven't really gotten to know each other so much, so I just thought-"

"No." Lukas didn't even bother to hide his annoyance. Mathias had said a whole lot of stupid things in the week they'd known each other, but this took the cake. "I have known we're soulmates for a week, and I waited. For a week. You can wait until a reasonable time to invite me out for coffee. Understand?"

"Um, yes. Sorry."

"It's fine. Now I'm going to go to bed. I'll call you when I wake up, alright? Sleep well and dream of me or something. Place romantic crap here."

Mathias laughed, and Lukas swore it cleansed the whole world it was so pure. "Alright, Lukas. Sorry I called so late. Kind of impulse thing, ya know? But yeah, call me when you wake up. I'll talk to you then. Good night. Place romantic crap here."

"Yeah, whatever," Lukas mumbled, now feeling more embarrassed. he quickly hung up the phone, letting out a sigh.

"So..." a voice trailed off from the door. "That was your soulmate? Mathias, right? Tell me about him."

"Emil," Lukas groaned, "stop, you're embarrassing me! It's my job to embarrass you, not the other way around."

"I'm serious. I wanna know," Emil said, walking to Lukas' bed and laying down next to him.

"Alright, fine, but we have to get to sleep soon." Emil nodded, and Lukas started to tell him about Mathias Kohler, his soulmate. By the time he was ready to call Mathias to plan their coffee date, he hadn't slept another wink.


A/N This was short but I posted quicker than I expected. If you would prefer me to keep the language toned down in this book, just say so I'll do it. Just wanted to experiment with this.

I got positive responses to the group chat thing, so I'm gonna be starting that. I'll tell you when I post the first chapter.

Anyone really want a third part of this, or should I work on one of my other ideas?

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