An Awkward Date (For Mathias)

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Part two for With Flowers because it was literally the worst ending I have ever written and I am so ashamed for it.


Mathias really should have expected it. Lukas had already said how he liked to embarrass Mathias, and it was no secret that Berwald and Tino felt the same, so why Mathias thought this was a good idea, he had no idea. He could only blame the fact that he often made impulsive stupid decisions.

A soon as Berwald and Tino had walked through the door, Lukas had told them the truth of how they hadn't been dating, and how they had only started to go out today. Mathias was offended that Tino and Berwald weren't surprised, and instead had expected it.

They were now sitting in Lukas' living room, telling funny stories, most about mess ups Mathias had made. If they weren't in front of Lukas, Mathias would probably be the one telling the stories, but now he felt embarrassed that his boyfriend of two and a half hours was now hearing the stories you told after the tenth date.

"So, Lukas, you said that you did have one embarrassing story about Mathias, what was it," Tino asked, a smile as sweet as honey on his face.

Lukas visibly brightened as this was brought up, earning a groan from Mathias. "Okay, so it's not too embarrassing, but the first time Mathias and I met was actually quite funny." Tino hummed for Lukas to continue, and he did.

"So I own a flower shop, right? And it's normally quiet, not much noise or anything, peaceful, normal small shop feel. So I'm siting behind the counter, just reading my book, when the door just slams open and in comes Mathias, wild hair and flushed face. The first thing he says to me is, 'How do you say screw you with flowers?'"

Tino bust outs in giggles, more likely the cause of Berwald's smile than the story it's self. "You know," Tino said was he caught his breath, "Berwald used to call me his wife when we first met, like, before we were in a relationship."

"Used to? He still does," Mathias laughed, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Because he's my wife," Berwald replied gruffly.

"And Lukas is my wife."

"No I'm not."

"Lukas will be my wife."

"Honey, if one of us is going to be a wife, it's you," Lukas informed, causing Mathias to pout.

Tino started to laugh again, before cutting short, turning towards Lukas. "I almost forgot! I brought some movies for us to watch, if you like horror, that is?"

Lukas' eyes brightened. "Yes, I love horror. What did you bring?"

"Well, I brought a few different one's. I brought the Lazarus Effect, if you want to watch that. Also, Wait Until Dark, that's an older one with Audrey Hepburn in it. I also brought Monster House, Mathias can be a wimp when it comes to scary movies."

"Am not," Mathias defended himself immediately, and Lukas raised an eyebrow. "I can watch a scary movie."

"Fine. Let's watch the Lazarus Effect, I hear it's good," Lukas turned towards Tino, holding out a hand for the movie, which Tino gladly gave him, giggling at Mathias face.

As the movie started, Mathias scooted closer towards Lukas.

"You scared, Lukas? We can cuddle if you are," Mathias all but whimpered.

"Mathias, we haven't even gotten past the opening credits. I'm fine."

"Well, of course, but I mean, as boyfriends, it would be natural to cuddle, right?"

"Hmm," Lukas hummed in agreement, before turning towards Mathias. "Hey, could you grab some blankets from my closet for the four of us?"

Mathias nodded quickly, willing to do anything to get away from the movie. All too soon he was back and cuddling with Lukas under the blanket. He tried to just not pay attention to the movie, but found no other place to look.

"Mathias, are you okay?" Lukas asked when they were half way through.

"Of course, fine. Why do you ask?" Mathias' voice was panicked, and Lukas frowned.

"You really don't like horror movies, do you..." Mathias stayed silent, before shaking his head. "We can change the movie if you want. I don't think anyone would mind."

"Please," Mathias mumbled.

Berwald changed the movie, and the four of them watched it together, laughing at the jokes and cuddling.

Once the movie was over, Berwald and Tino left, thanking them for the invite and making the two promise that they would do something together again soon.

Once alone, Lukas turned towards Mathias with a concerned look.

"What?" Mathias asked, equally concerned.

"You don't like horror movies," Lukas stated simply.


"I made you watch one."

Mathias laughed, wrapping Lukas in a hug, mumbling in his hair, "I'm fine. It's alright."

"But it's not," Lukas argued, returning the hug. "If I ever make you feel uncomfortable, tell me. I can't always tell."

"Alright," Mathias agreed, kissing Lukas' hair. "Now we should watch Beauty and the Beast."

"Okay," Lukas agreed, and the two of them continued, towards the living room, watching movies together until the early morning when they finally fell asleep on the couch together.


A/N Better conclusion? I think so. I dunno. But I'll probably post something again tomorrow morning, but for tonight I'm retiring.

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