Carry Me

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"Hey, wake up birthday boy! You have to get ready."

Lukas let out a groan, blinking slowly at Mathias. "Get ready for what?"

Mathias laughed, kissing his forehead. "We're going out today, remember? There's a new exhibit at the history museum you wanted to see. Then I have a cute date planned for you, so you have to get up."

Lukas groaned even louder, burying his head into his pillows, wrapping the blankets tighter around himself. "I don't want to get up yet. Just give me five more!"

"I guess I can give you five more minutes."

"I meant hours. Give me five more hours."

Mathias shook his head, laughing even louder. "Not a chance. Now get up. I'll make you some coffee and pancakes with extra butter and syrup. But you only get it if you get up in the next five minutes, otherwise I'm taking it for myself."

"At least give it to the dog, he deserves it."

"Lukas, we don't have a dog."

"Oh." A pause. "I've been meaning to talk to you about that. We should get one."

"Maybe if you get up in the next five minutes." Mathias made to leave, when Lukas stopped him with a hand on his arm. "What's up?"

Lukas simply held out his arms, saying, "Carry me down."

Mathias smiled softly, nodding. "Alright, of course." He picked him up, Lukas' legs wrapping around his waist automatically as he hid his face in the others neck.

"Did you already shower today? You smell nice," Lukas comments on their way out of the room as they head towards the kitchen.

Mathias hummed in confirmation before setting the other down, placing another kiss on his forehead. "Wait here, I'll make you breakfast."

"Extra butter. And Syrup. Please," Lukas reminds, curling up on a kitchen chair.

"Obviously. Only the best for my precious Norge."

Lukas blushed at that, mumbling a small, "You're a loser."

Ten minutes later and their food was finally done. Mathias brought it all over, pancakes in one hand, syrup and coffee in the other. "Alright, here's your food. Let's eat!"

"Thank you," Lukas mumbled, a smile gracing his face. Lukas started to dig in, getting syrup all over his face, causing Mathias to laugh.

"Man, don't you know how to eat like a gentleman? Honestly, you're too cute in the mornings."

"Shut up," Lukas bites, glaring at the other. Mathias only chuckles, nodding. They sit a few more minutes in silence, before Lukas suddenly stands up, pushing his food halfway across the table. Mathias goes to speak, but is stopped when Lukas suddenly climbs across the table, sitting himself in Mathias' lap. He then proceeded to wrap Mathias' arms around himself, before pulling his food towards him, eating again.

"Well aren't you quite the cuddle bug."


"Shhh," Mathias agrees, before he too continues to eat his food.

After they're both finished with their food, however, Mathias gently pushes the other off of him. "You gotta go get ready now."

"Carry me." Lukas demands for the second time that day.

"Sweetheart, I love you, but I am also confident in your abilities to go to our room and change without my assistance."

"So am I, doesn't mean I have to."

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