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From: Unknown
Hey, my name's Mathias. :) I found what I believe is your college notebook for writing or something? I'm not entirely sure, but it looks important and it has this number in the front.

To: Unknown
I don't believe you have the right number. I don't have anything that you could be talking about.

From: Unknown
Alright, sorry to bother you. Let me know if it is yours and you just forgot! :)

To: Unknown
I'm not a collage student, so unlikely, but thank you.

/ /

If he was being honest, Lukas would have to tell you that he forgot all about the notebook incident until Emil came through the door, letting out a loud screech.

"What's wrong?"

"My notebook is missing. It has my full year story for creative writing in it!"

Lukas frowned, thinking to himself. "Do you have any idea where it could be?" Emil shook his head, letting out a groan as he flopped down onto the floor. "And if it was a full year project, there's no way you can redo it," Lukas thought aloud to himself, Emil's high pitched whine confirming his thoughts.

Shaking his head, he stood up from the couch, turning to head into the kitchen. "Well if it was so important you should have put some contact information in."

Emil suddenly perked up. "Contact information... That's it! Lukas, you're a genius!"

"Well I know I have good ideas," he replied, "but I don't think my idea is going to help you now that you've already lost your notebook."

Emil rolled his eyes, nodding his head. "I know that, but you reminded me that I did put in contact information."

The elder nodded, moving to set the table for dinner. "Then you just have to wait."

"Well that's the thing..." he trailed off, biting his lip. "I might have put in your number instead." At a look from Lukas, he went on to explain, "I don't like answering the phone when it's an unknown number, so I figured I would just put in your number instead. So have you gotten any texts from an unknown number about my notebook?"

"No," Lukas said automatically, before pausing. "Actually, yes."

"What? No way. Give me your phone."


"What? Why? Do you think I'll find your gay po-"

Lukas covers Emil''s mouth, glaring harshly. "Finish that sentence, and you won't be able to finish anything else you plan to."

"Fine, fine," Emil grumbles, although still unable to hide his smirk. "So are you going to get me my notebook back or not?"

"After dinner I'll text them. Now eat."

/ /

To: Unknown
The notebook is my brothers. Would it be possible for you to meet up with him so he can get it back?

From: Unknown
Of course! :) I'm glad to have found the owner. Is there a convenient time or place for your brother?

To: Unknown

Where did you find it, first of all?

From: Unknown
I was at a coffee shop on center street with some friends. Do you think it would be best to meet there?

To: Unknown
Yes. Would tomorrow at 3 work? Or do you have class/work?

From: Unknown
That should work perfectly! :) Could you possibly send a pic of him so I know who to look for?

DenNor One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ