Sydneys best night

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*2 days later*

Today is the night were I go see Black Veil Brides live! I'm so excited, but first I have to go to the place I don't belong- school.

I start getting ready for school. I put on a black singlet with my story of the wild ones vest and black jeans. I rush off to school, not having time for breakfast.

*After school*

YES! Tonight's the BVB concert!

"Bus 369" gets called over the speaker.

That's my bus, I head over towards the bus and hop on.

The whole bus ride home I get hate. Will this ever end?

I get off the bus at my stop and walk up the street and make a left and I'm home.

*Later that day*

Mums dropping me at the venue for the concert in 1hour. I'm so excited, I can't wait!

I start getting ready. I straighten my hair then tease it, do heavy black makeup and my warpaint, as well as black leather pants with a BVB tee.

It's about 5:00Pm. I have a quick hake and Mum drops me off at the venue. "Bye, Sydney! Have fun!" Mum says, giving me a hug goodbye. My nerves kick in as I get closer to the doors- the line is queuing out of the door. It's 6:30 and they start letting people in. I'm really excited now!

I give them my ticket and I walk in. There's Merch table and a food and drink store.

I take a photo next to a Black Veil Brides sign and upload it to Instagram.

The Concert starts in half an hour, so I start to head inside the theatre.

As its get closer to the concert the theatre fills up and the audience begin to chant "Black Veil Brides, Black Veil Brides, Black Veil Brides."

Loud music starts playing, lights flash and Andy says "We are Black Veil Brides!" the crowd goes wild screaming and shouting.

"This song is called Children Surrender." Andy tells everyone.

The crowd is cheering and singing along just like I imagined.

They play a few songs before half time break. BVB all walk back stage. To get refreshed, I would imagine.

I hear a conversation going on behind me, I can't help it but to listen. It goes something like this.

"The school of rock sounds like an awesome school!"

"Yeah I heard that its a school for musically gifted losers like us!"

"Welcome back we hope you enjoyed the first half."

Everyone cheers.

"When I say scream, you say shout." Andy says.






They play a lot more songs before the concert ends.

"Encore, Encore!" the audience yells.

BVB come back on for the final song.

"In The End"

In the end

As we fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)

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