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Jake and I were sitting down on a lounge..... that doesn't look familiar.

It seemed we were watching TV, something funny maybe? Yes, something funny. We both sat there laughing our heads off, then his gleaming eyes looked at me, as he smiled like an idiot.

Still. We are watching the TV, he's several inches closer to me with his hand on my leg.
I move my leg away to avoid anything awkward.


Is that my name being called?

"Sydney!" Someone shouted, snapping me out of my day dream.

"Yes, Mrs... Mrs... uhh, Mrs... Carlton?" She pursed her lips.

"Would you like to tell everyone what you're thinking about, Miss Blade?" Mrs Carlton asked.

"No, no I would not" I bluntly tell her. She stiffened.

"Well, then pay attention in my classroom and DON'T STARE into space!" She yelled at me. "So class, B squared times A squared..." Rambled on our teacher.

Maths. Boring! Tired.


I pulled out my phone and texted Jake about everything.

It's not what it looks like. We are not dating! And that's just how we like it.

We are just close friends. He's been my only true friend for a while now.

S: Hey Jake ^.* I know it's school time, but I'm in maths and really bored, and I figured you'd be on your phone too....because it's school.

He replied in no time..... 15 seconds to be exact! No! I wasn't counting... Okay, fine maybe I was.

J: this is why I lo-Like you so much you know me way to well! You free this weekend?

S: *blushes* uhh... I'm pretty sure I am.

J: great! I'll see you Saturday, I'll pick you up at 10:30Am (times may change)

S: I guess I haven't got a choice see you then!

J:can't wait to see you!!

My cheeks started to feel hot. Really

I felt a huge grin grow along my face, no matter what I did it wouldn't go away.

"Sydney," Mrs Carlton sighed, "again?"

She stalked towards my desk and pulled my phone right out of my cold, shaky hands.

I closed my eyes and opened them, hoping my phone would be back on my desk or in my hands.

No such luck.

Mrs Carlton stood out the front with my phone.

She took a huge breath and read out the conversation for the whole class to hear.

Every pair of eyes turned and looked straight into my face and laughed at me.
I could feel there eyes piercing straight through me.

That wiped my smile right off. A few girls said some awes, but most just laughed.

At last. The bell. Saved by the bell.

The whole classed packed up their books and headed for the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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