Here we go

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I yawn loudly, rolling onto my stomach. Life is boring. Dreams are much more peaceful. Even the action packed, adventure filled, exploding-with-band-member dreams are peaceful. But life? There's thinking to worry about. And school. Ugh. I yawn again. Dammit. Too much thinking. The chance to go back to sleep is long gone. My face still buried in the pillow, I grab my phone off the bedside table to check the time. I groan, dragging myself from bed to get changed. I slip into a red singlet top, some black skinny jeans and my beloved combat boots. I climb down the rickety ladder that leads to the lower floor, bringing my hairbrush along with me. I quickly make a slice of toast with butter, eating it as I brush my hair back into a loose bun, my side fringe of course being annoying. I can't be bothered to pin it back. I check the time again. Still quite a bit of time. I walk into the lounge room to see Henry on the sofa, idly petting Sarge and drinking a coffee. The dog wags his tail at me.

"Does Sarge have food?" I ask. At the word, he perks up and jumps off the couch to come and bounce at my feet.

"In the fridge." Henry replies. He puts his mug down on the coffee table and stands up. "But he's already had his fair share." I bite my lip, looking down at the staffy, with his goofy doggy grin.

"How bout a walk?"

Henry smiles. "His leash is in the laundry, in the little basket." I walk down there, Sarge following me, bouncing up and down, tail wagging so hard it resembles a propeller. I grab the leash and connect it to his collar, only to be dragged down the hall to the front door.

"We'll be back in 10, Henry!" I unlock the door and pocket my keys before Sarge can drag me off down the street. I run along side him- until, that is, he comes to an abrupt stop as soon as we reach the footpath, causing me to nearly throw my whole body onto the road. I regain my footing, turn around to look at the devil in four-legged-disguise and notice his lifted leg, directed at a small weed. However, no fluid seems to come out. Huh. "Phantom pee..." I mutter. Sarge looks up at me happily, leg still cocked, tail wagging.

I turn around and notice that at the house next to ours- which looks equally as big, if not more so- two girls and boy stand on the front porch. A brunette in a short, minty green dress with polka dots giggles behind her hand. The boy rolls his eyes, shakes his head and turns away, while the girl with blonde hair cropped to her chin who gave a friendly wave wore a dark pink running bra with white workout pants, a twinkle in her eyes. They turn back to each other and resumed their conversation.

I snort, and am then yanked by Sarge for about another metre before he makes and other quick halt to do a 'phantom pee'. This continues for another ten minutes. When my phone goes off, signalling time up, I drag Sarge home, ignoring his sudden curiosity in the apple tree in our neighbours garden, or his willingness to be friends with the fluffy white dog on the other side of the street. Once we are safely inside, I unclip his leash, and after a quick yap he scrambles off to find Henry. I drop the leash onto the top of the washing machine in the laundry, kiss Henry goodbye, grab my bag and leave for school.


My eyes open wide.

Everything is pitch black.

I feel like I'm in a whole new world, a whole new place.

I feel around me.

I'm not in my bed.

I'm on the cold hard concrete floor.

I hear a scream. "HHHHEEEEELLLLLPPPP!!" It makes me jump.

The voice sounds so familiar, maybe it was a close friend that doesn't exist, maybe it was one of the screaming girls from school.

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