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"-but you buy one. How much money do you have left?" I shake my head when I realise I had been day dreaming. The day was dragging on like a slug wearing ankle weights.

I feel myself nodding off again but attempt to focus my already limited attention. The teacher had already snapped at me twice, and it was almost the end of the day, and I was eager to just get home and relax for two days. My brain was aching with the pressure of staying awake, however. I hadn't had much sleep last night, and maths isn't exactly a stimulating subject, no matter how much they try to squeeze music into it.

A tap on my shoulder.

Someone tapped my shoulder.

I should probably get up and look around.


I force myself to drag my head around, only to see Milo grinning his head off. I sigh. The heat, the bugs, and this boy are all seriously getting to me. He is in waytoo many of my classes to make me comfortable. I'd rather just stick to Sydney. I'd seen her once today, in music, but hewas there too.

I'd been shy and nervous around him at first, but he is just so irritating and I'm just so easily angered that I can't help but lash out at him.

He is playing with my hair now, braiding it and twirling it between his fingers and grinning and just ugh! I grab it all and flick it over my shoulder, but it doesn't discourage him.

After another agonizing 16 minutes of sitting in front of him (why does he like to annoy me so much?!) the bell rings (stupid late bitch) and I finally escape.

It's not like Henry can exactly drive me home from school, so I walk. I know the way by now, after a few false starts and a failed shortcut. As I left I saw Sydney heading in the other direction, so I call out and we both wave and then continue walking.

There is an unspoken agreement among after-school-walkers. A whole 10 commandments, even.

1) Thou shall not talk to me, or attempt to socialise in any way.

2) If thou should cross my path, thou shall cross the road and walk on the other side of the street immediately.

3) Thou shall walk on the right side of the footpath, lest I kill thou.

4) If I should drop my bag, walk on.

5) If thy should see a murderer or kidnapper in the path of thy fellow walker, calleth the police. Walk on.

6) If thou reach thy house, do not linger. Walk inside immediately.

7) Thou shall use earphones. Thou shall not blast thy terrible taste in music to the world.

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