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I head out of the office, and straight away.


Lost In the crowd of the school,

Like a sailor lost at sea.

There's so many people all crammed into one tiny ass space, well a least it feels like a tiny ass space.

I'm not a solid person so I'm getting pushed and shoved here there and everywhere!

I can't breathe. I feel like I'm the smallest here. I should feel like I belong, but I don't.

I'm still getting shoved around gasping for air.

I see a door a head to it and burst it open, I take a huge breath. HUGE!

"Ew, creep get out!" a girl said.

I turned around. This girl was there with her boy friend, practically eating each other faces off.


I took one last gasp of air.

Come on Sydney, you've wanted to do this, it's your chance, get through the day and don't stuff it up.

Im guessing, I'm hopping D block is this way.

So I head to the left.

There's so many people swarming to class, you just can't stop and think where you need to go.

I'm thinking about ditching. should I?

I don't want to do this, why did I do this?

So many thoughts running through my head.

After spending most of my time looking for D Block.

I finally find it.

It's kinda pushed to the back of things.

I'm panicking that I'm gonna be late.

But the class is still out side.





"Aren't you they new kid?"

I just nodded.

I just stood there awkwardly at the end of the line.

it's not really a line just clumps of people everywhere.

A fun looking teacher in black skinny jeans flippy hair and a ripped up singlet shirt rocked up.

"Wassup, class?" He said giving the people at the front a high five.

Everyone ran in the class room screaming and I followed but walked.

"Don't worry, you won't get in trouble with me,be a rebel,be loud be proud." the teacher said.

He sounds so chill, I like him!

The class just bunched up doing there own things.

The teacher got out his mad electric guitar and stated playing some awesome rock songs!

Everyone had someone to talk to.

Not me.

I'm different.

I just sat there listening to the teacher play his tunes.


"I'm gonna get you!"

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