Meeting for the first time

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I walk into the the tiny office, where a skinny man with wiry black hair, combed to perfection, was waiting for me. "Your name?"

"Raelyn Harrows."

"Excellent. Just wait here with me please. You and your fellow new student's orientation will soon begin." We stand there in awkward silence, and he stares at my ear with a gleeful, rosy, almost creepy smile. I peer up at him from under my new hair. He looked to be in about his mid-forties. The room was ugly, with an ugly carpet and ugly walls. I tap my foot to the beat of the music quietly playing. Then I freeze. Are they playing Nuclear Family? In a school office?

"Um, Sir?"


"What song is this?"

"I do believe it is Nuclear Family, by Green Day." My eyes widen, and I shut up to continue standing next to him and staring at the door. I can tell he's trying to be nice. I just have trust issues, as I have said many times. I don't make friends easily. My only friend is Henry. An old, blind, sarcastic man. I don't even like my foster-dog yet.

Just then, the bell that rings when you walk through a door, like an olden day sweet shop, rings. My head snaps up, and I scan the girl who walks in.

She has black hair with red tips, scene hair. Her skin is much unlike my olive skin that doesn't burn (thankfully), but tanned, like a typical Californian girl. When I inspect her eyes, I notice that they are almost the same shade of blue as Andy Biersack's eyes. She wears heavy black makeup-eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow- and a mini warpaint stitch.

She has black ripped jeans with a black Vest and black leather, lace up boots. Both her arms are covered with rubber wristbands and cool bracelets. And black fingerless leather gloves (knuckleless) All in all, my ideal outfit.

She smiles at me, and I turn away. She frowns, and takes a step closer. We have a bit of a stare off, her blue eyes locking with my charcoal ones. We both break away when the principle speaks.

"Welcome! I assume you're Sydney Blade?" She nods.


I walk into the office where a tall, skinny man with flippy hair and a short girl stood in a little old ugly Office.

"Welcome! I assume you're Sydney Blade?" I nod.

"Again, welcome to the School of Rock. I'm Mr Black."

"Hello Mr Black. Thanks for having me."

"Your tour and welcoming will start soon."

"Okay, sweet."

"I'll just go collect some things and we will start. Wait here please."

Mr Black heads out of his office.

I look around the room and inspect the girl- she has really dark ink black hair.. She has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen- charcoal grey with tiny black and antique gold flecks. She also has black heavy makeup, but only Mascara and Eyeliner. She has black slim fit jeans with a black fitted t-shirt that shows a bit of belly. Epic Black leather lace-up combat boots that I want!!!! Her arms are coved by leather wraps that reach from her wrist to her elbow. Her skin tone was olive.

We had a bit of a stare off. Mr Black walks in, breaking the stare off.

"Ok, Sydney and Raelyn, you girls ready for your tour?" We both nod.

"Awesome, follow me girls."

We walk through the vintage halls of the school, getting a tour of where everything is located. During the tour I try and make an effort to talk to Raelyn; it was hard but pushed myself.

"Hi, I'm Sydney."


"Imagine if schools where shaped like muffins." She looks at me weirdly. "umm... What?!"

"Just imagine it." I looked deeply in her eyes.

"I guess we would never get hungry." She says, her eyes glinting with an almost scared look. "Yeah."

"Hmmm." We walk in awkward silence until she swallows, closing her eyes and says quickly, "Do you like any bands?"

"UMMM YUUUSSS I love lots!"

"Like what?"

"Well," I pause dramatically, "Black Veil Brides, Falling in Reverse, My Chemical Romance, Sleeping with Sirens, Green Day, Bring me the Horizon, Pierce the Veil, Asking Alexandra, KISS, many more and you?"

"Oh we'll there's Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, Three Days Grace, Pink Floyd, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Bring Me the Horizon, Pierce the Veil... KISS and ACDC are also bearable..." She trails off, frowning at the ceiling in deep concentration.

"We basically like the same stuff." I say. She nods and looks away.

"What's life like?"

She looks at me, shocked and then suspicious. "Um okay I...I... guess. Just moved here from England with my step grandfather."

"Ohh." I look around then ponder my eyes back over on Raelyn. "So what's England like?"

"Cold." She looks away again. She really is making this difficult. I look away too, concentrating on the rest of the tour.

We walk through more halls till we reach the end of the tour, and Mr Black hands us our time tables.

He says "I hope you were listening." He winks, smiling. I smile back.

We look at each others time tables to to see what classes we have together.

"We have music together on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. We have English together on Monday and Tuesday, and history on Thursday. Oh and we both have have lunch B together on Monday, Wednesday, Tuesday and Friday." I state cheerily.

We both say goodbye and head off to class.


Hope you enjoyed our joint chapter,

Sorry it took so long because we need to be together to write it and when we are together we just forget, sorry guys

Oh and thx For the 130+ reads we love you all!



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